This disruption of our chi can help set our energy flowing on the right path, but placing a piercing there permanently can cause disruptions in the flow. Health effects related to these heavy metals range from allergies to organ malfunction in the liver, bones and reproductive system and can also include damage to the nervous and cardiovascular system. People with their ear lobes pierced are just as successful, nice, kind people as anyone else : I was one of them ! They may also be more likely to take other risks, such as engaging in risky sexual behaviors or using drugs. UNBELIEVABLE Body Mods - Guinness World Records, 5. Each of these locations have an extreme prominent effect upon being pierced. This does make me wonder what your thoughts are on tattoos. Clinical studies show that piercings have direct effects on the acupuncture points on your body, often negative ones. Piercing guns are very dangerous as well. We first explored this topic with leading acupuncturist, Mona Dan of Vie Healing check out the story here. The heavy metals that can be found in the ink are lead, titanium, calcium, beryllium, sulfur, cobalt, chromium, nickel, iron, copper, arsenic, and even mercury. Disclaimer: this may or may not work for you and I am just someone of the community posting, I have no degrees so I may be wrong but may not be wrong. Since my correspondance with that reader, whom I thank, I removed my earrings, and I am patiently waiting for the holes to close naturally . There are 12 meridian lines where qi flows to heal your body. Some Christians who are against body piercing use the Book of Leviticus to support the view that body piercing is a sin, arguing that you should never mark your body. When our energy is imbalanced, we can experience low WebMeasurement and Testing: Meridians are energy highways that run on the surface of the body and end on the hands and feet. Although the evidence is primarily anecdotal, there's some research around the piercing's proposed mechanism of action. Alot of your article made me think good and hard about how I felt physically before and after on each piercing. It started out as a statement of youthful non-conformity and has become a fashion trend. However, after your piercing is healed, silver is a good choice, as it promotes patience and clarity of intuition. thank you for this interesting article. lol Have a great day! If a piercing is made of implant-grade titanium, the likelihood of its conducting electricity is minute. This only lasts for around half an hour. "Some people seek out a piercing procedure as a form of self-therapy, allowing them to release stress.". Acupuncturists use these points to insert fine needles for short periods of time to modify or unblock energies that are causing health problems, so having a permanent metal piercing there is certainly going to have an effect. After some research, I discovered that many believe piercings are spiritually dangerous, because they block the flow of chi, store negative energies, and put a subconscious weight on the value of material. Hi Varvara I havent found a problem with metal zips unless they are directly in contact with the skin. Even wearing a necklace with metal components or glasses that have a metal bridge across the nose can cause problems, and dental fillings certainly can. This photo shows what the belly button looks like from inside the abdomen. A personal experience of this I once had is that I cured an ingrowing toenail by tracing the meridian line up to a tooth in my mouth and asking my dentist to check it. There are pigments that are approved for cosmetic use, but there are also those that are approved for industrial use, such as car paint or printer ink used in tattoo inks! Each acupressure point is connected to a metabolic function, a mental state and an emotion. Placement does matter when it comes to piercings, for better or worse. In conclusion, in my eyes piercing is detrimental to the balance of the energy flow, more or less deeply depending on the location and nature of the piercing. I am curious if this same concept applies to piercings in other parts of the body as well, and if so, could one assume that replacing silver jewellery with gold might have a positive affect of some kind? When there is a demand, mass production sometimes results in recipes being changed, meaning cheaper ingredients are sourced. When a woman comes to me for treatment with menstrual complaints or infertility it is very common for her to have either a navel piercing or surgical scar along or across the Conception Vessel, states a practitioner at Balanced Being Acupuncture. Theres a lot to think about when it comes to ink choice and placement of piercings and tattoos. Body piercings are nearly always located in places that correlate to acupuncture points on the bodys meridians of energy. , How do piercings help with mental health? Share the post "Are Your Trendy Ear Piercings Helping Or Hurting You On A Wellness Level?". If youre thinking of having a body piercing, I hope this article gives you pause for thought. Meridian In Chinese medicine, a meridian channel is also known as a Jing Iou through which Qi (vital life energy) Xue (blood), Jinye (body fluids), Jing (essence) and Shen (spirit) flow. We cant deny the logic that piercing a point that is known for its ability to stimulate a specific biomechanic response could have a direct effect on the mind and body, but thus far there are no studies to confirm the connection. Your email address will not be published. Around the same time I decided to pierce my own belly button, gosh I was a handful. If you're reading this and getting scared of the ink that's already on your body, don't stress! Dietary Changes to Get Rid of the Spare Tire Essentially, it's important to choose lower calorie options, skip processed foods, limit sugar and practice portion control. Gold symbolizes purity and spiritual development. Not only is the ink in our skin, but it's absorbed throughout the body, according to the British Journal of Dermatology, which also found that tattoo ink contains carcinogenic particles that can cause nerve damage and toxic effects in the brain. There ARE ink alternatives that are marketed as non-toxic that are definitely worth looking into if youre thinking about getting a tattoo. If the equipment used to do the piercing is contaminated with infected blood, you can contract various bloodborne diseases, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus and HIV. A 2010 study found that most tattoo inks contained the known carcinogenic polycycline aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. It is not uncommon to see Hindu women with nose or navel rings, and people of both genders often having their ears pierced early in childhood during a Karnavedha ceremony. I had no idea it was so widespread. Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for advice or treatment from your physician or healthcare provider. But it would certainly be preferable to use a non-metallic material if such an alternative is available, and adorning your body with metal when there is no health reason to do so really makes no sense at all. Bentonite clay and water create a negative electrical charge that attracts and binds with heavy metals and other toxins so that your body can get rid of them through urine and bowel movements. Lets begin to get into the effect of metal piercings now on the acupuncture points, or meridians. The theory goes that when you get piercings along these meridian lines, you can disrupt the energy flow of the bodyand that can affect the specific body parts associated with that meridian line. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links at no extra expense to you. TATTOO PAIN : Most Painful Places for Tattoos, 2. Clutter clearing jewellery Piercing a point upsets the balance of each of these. Nice post! Body Piercings Hip or Health Risk.Dr. Venessa Formula. Navel Running down the main center line of the body, a piercing at the navel could affect a few different things, Tattoos are filled with toxic heavy metals and removing them is actually far worse than keeping them because the ink is reabsorbed into the bloodstream. I have been getting a lot more One of the most common psychological explanations for tattoos is that they are a form of risk-taking behavior. Acupuncture is actually a traditional Chinese practice that has been around for thousands of years. Read More Do Chakra Beads Really Work? Ear stapling is based loosely on acupuncture and is said to help in with appetite control and weight loss. Electromagnetic radiation surrounds us everywhere thanks to our modern, networked world. In 2017, German and French researchers wanted to find out the effects of tattoo ink and collected tissue samples from six corpses that had been donated to science. But if you get a piercing made of gold (the most conductive metal on earth) in one of your nostrils with the intention of raising your masculine energy or feminine energy, then your energy will use the piercing as a pathway to become stronger and flow faster. Clear Space Living LtdPO Box 11171, SleafordNG34 4FR, United KingdomTel: +44 (0)1529 489840UK Company No: 12067211VAT Reg No: 339 267 376, Subscribe to Karen Kingston's newsletters, Online courses Online clutter clearing sessionsPersonal insight sessions, Europe & UK UnitedStates Rest of the world. View our Privacy Policy here. It shows that an eyebrow piercing actually results in an increased ego as rings of ego are activated, illusory energies are created and lastly the same effects of tongue piercings which is known as one of the worst places to get a piercing in light of acupuncture points. We know this based on the ancient teachings of acupuncture and also through modern studies. When most people get tattoos, the last thing on their mind is the ingredients that make up the ink. (Solved)Continue, Read More Does Smoking Affect Your Chakras? For example, the lobe is connected to the eyes. Thank you. There ARE ink alternatives marketed as "non-toxic" that are definitely worth checking out if you're thinking about getting a tattoo. This has been studied by scientist and doctors. This makes sense when you consider that the ears have more than 200 acupuncture points which can be manipulated for various health benefits. If youre reading this and getting scared about the ink already on your body, dont stress! Namely, since acupuncture points are stimulated with needles, piercing is no different, and would even give a permanent and therefore beneficial stimulation. N.p., n.d. It feels like a very subtle tug of a fish on a line. And the benefits of regular acupuncture are well documented: It can help those with PMS, sleep issues, chronic stress, and can even benefit skin3. Ear System The six Yin meridians connect with the ear directly or indirectly by other divergent meridians and connect with the Yang meridians. Interesting post. Special caution should be used in the case of permanent insertion of metal, i.e. But how clever is it, really? Lido, Jon Erik. Some forms of piercing remain controversial, particularly when applied to youth. Is it dangerous , especially for women to wear jeans with metal zippers ? Mona Dan, acupuncturist and owner of Vie Healing concurs: "Generally, after 28 minutes, the body's blood cycle has done one full roundabout and we feel it's sufficient enough time-wise to remove the needle." In total, there are three yin meridians (heart, lung, and pericardium) and three yang meridians (small intestine, large intestine, and sanjiao) of the arm, as well as three yin meridians (liver, kidney, spleen) and three yang meridians (urinary bladder, gall bladder, and stomach) of the leg. Four of the six bodies had tattoos. As discussed earlier, nose piercings can have negative or positive effects depending on the location. They connect to all of our organ systems, allowing them to communicate and function harmoniously. Some piercing studios have noted auriculotherapy as the inspiration for clients interest in piercing as therapy. Dear Karen, For men, they should pierce the right nostril and increase their feminine energy to help achieve balance. If the piercing is done on an acupressure / acupuncture point, but not only (see further below), it obviously affects the vital energy. Tattoos and piercings can be traced back thousands of years. The heavy metals found in ink are lead, titanium, calcium, beryllium, sulfur, cobalt, chromium, nickel, iron, copper, arsenic and even mercury. Subscribe to my newsletters to receive news, articles and information about upcoming online courses by email. - Acupressure Wellness This can affect what's in your bloodstream, especially if you got your tattoo somewhere that isn't regulated or doesn't follow safe practices. You don't have to assign to any one specific religion or spiritual persuasion to have a tattoo attract positive energy in your life. Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that scavenges heavy metals. |, (Video) Here's What The Bible Really Says About Tattoos And Piercings, 1. Doing this can improve the flow of energy within the body, which can help alleviate a certain pain and regulate the bodys functions and internal organs. This research is due to Dr. Paul Nogiers studies who is known as the Father of Modern Auriculotherapy. This allows us to keep the light on and create more helpful content! If you are thinking about getting this piercing, make sure to take this into consideration! But if your piercing is done over the location of your meridians, then your chakras will have an indirect disruption in energy. and if it does have an effect, would it be an obstruction or an activation of the flow? This is really making me rethink getting piercings please help! Meridian Pool and Spa LLC. But apart from the predicament they can cause to funeral workers and the surprise they can give relatives after death, there may also be health effects during life that they are not aware of. When piercings are on an actual meridian point, it can affect the energy in the body. Aesthetics are usually the driving factor for most body art (and we could write a whole other article on the sexual motivations behind genital piercings), but some experts believe that choosing the location may have an impact. But are there spiritual consequences on having a piercing? "If you're not careful you can shatter cartilage on impact, which could leave you with irreversible lumps and increased chance of jewelry rejection," Borrowman said. People considering a Daith piercing should discuss the risks and side effects with a medical professional. Tissue damage. While others read the same Book and interpret the marking of the body as more figurative than literal. (Or, it permanently stimulates the nerves and muscles at that point.). This doesnt happen very often, though, does it? I asked. Instead? Bentonite clay and water create a negative electrical charge that attracts and binds heavy metals and other toxins so your body can get rid of them through urine and bowel movements. This makes wearing metal, Types of Ear Cartilage Piercings with Ear Piercing Chart | Chronic Ink, 15 cool girl ear piercings to grab right now, Ear Piercings 101: Everything you need to know about getting pierced, Tattoo or piercing - which hurts more? Im allergic to most metals except implant grade titanium after my heart valve replacement and I could really use this, is it still helpful for someone like me or is it too risky because of blood clotting risks? They dont yet know how much this is a cause for concern, so more research is needed. View our full disclaimer here, and terms & conditions here. Gold will increase the depression and silver will decrease it. Tattoos increase the proportion of distressing energy in the environment and make the individual physically and spiritually restless. The piercing point of a chin is directly on the Ren Meridian and will affect point REN24. We have to remember that our skin is our largest organ and really our first line of defense when it comes to the world itself. Any/All products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. There are several ways to detoxify heavy metals in our bodies and one of them is tattoo ink. It takes the form of body piercings. Some people have surgical metal implants for health reasons, so Im not suggesting they should be removed. So the strategy that this particular company has come up with is to put all the items in a little bag and give it to the next of kin after the cremation ceremony. With this background in mind, we can analyze the relationship between a piercing and the body. I do love my earrings. if so how do I prevent it. Web. Tattoos and piercings trace back thousands of years. Yes, because it draws the eye in - AKA it makes you look slimmer. Acupuncturists say putting pressure on this tiny area can help control sugar cravings. Hi Suki, I do not understand your question, could you clarify please ? According to Sally Byrd, ND, a traditional Naturopath, massage therapist, reflexologist, Metal body piercings interfere with the natural energy flow in the body Acupuncture therapies are now recognized by NIH and the Global World Health Organization along with many medical doctors for health maintenanceWhen the bodys Qi is compromised due to diet, stress, anxiety, surgery, aging, hormonal reduction, medications, physical accidents, disease, and environmental toxins including metal insertions, the energy may become stagnant. I will briefly break down three of the most common piercings, which can all have positive effects on your energy and chakras. According to Balanced Being Acupuncture, A navel piercing may seem like a benign adornment, but acupuncture theory strongly suggests that this is not a healthy or safe practice. Similar to that of the other 4 piercings, The problem is that the piercing is creating a semi-permanent obstruction in the flow of a very important energy channel known as the Conception Vessel (Ren Mai. When theres a demand, mass production sometimes causes formulas to change, meaning cheaper ingredients are sourced. If this is true. There is even research to suggest that getting multiple tattoos may affect your long-term ability to cope with stress, and improve your immune system by reducing the release of cortisol. My sister mentioned this concept to me (piercing not good for reasons youve stated above), and she let the holes in her ears to close naturally, too. For example, the Luo meridians of the hand Taiyin, foot Taiyin, and foot Yangming directly connect to the ear. What kind of energetic effect do they have? All rights reserved. Upon reading this information, you may want to reconsider each of your piercings and whether they are helping or harming you. The researches found that two of the four tattooed bodies had ink in their lymph nodes. The placement of these needles is based on the body's meridian lines. This is of great concern as the lymph nodes play an important role in regulating immune system health. So if someone gets the area designated for depression, and we are following the idea that gold stimulates and silver suppresses, would gold stimulate more depression and silver suppress the depression? The possibility of negative energies (ghosts, demons, devils etc.). The relationship between which metal to wear should be constantly adjusted to address the individuals changing emotional states, assuming acute. What effect does piercing have on the body? Chin piercings can affect our hormones, cause us to grind our teeth and interfere with our salivary gland. In fact, with each year passing, more and more research is being done about the effects of acupuncture on the human body and the benefits that it can provide. Most tattoo ink manufacturers mix heavy metal pigments with lightening agents to make their production cost cheaper. That means most piercings are located in places that correlate to acupuncture points on the body's meridians of energy. For more information, take a look at the chart: you will see which organ is connected to where you plan to pierce. Previously, she's held beauty roles at Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, SELF, and Cosmopolitan; her byline has appeared in Esquire, Sports Illustrated, and Skelly tells us that "gold is more tonifying or supportive, where silver is more sedative or releasing of blocked energy." Since tattoo ink isnt regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, heavy metals make up a large portion of the ingredients. Test your chakras: are your 7 chakras fine? In Ancient times, tribes used the soot from charred wood and ground-up carbon or ash to create a black ink to make tattoo ink. WebHampton Meridian offers the ideal East Mesa/Apache Junction home. There are a few risks that you can expose yourself to if you attempt to pierce your ears at home, with infection being the worst-case scenario. Nose piercing is still practised in some Asian, African and Middle Eastern countries to this day. Required fields are marked *. When our energy is imbalanced, we can experience low immunity which can eventualy lead to chronic disorders. Piercings are a way to express ourselves but there are different things to keep in mind. This is why piercings are so prevalent in Eastern societies where the belief and practices of healing your energetic body originated. | Is Body Modification a Sin? Around the same time I decided to pierce my own belly button, gosh I was a handful. Did you ever think that any body piercing that you might have gotten in the past would actually affect an acupuncture point? By now its widely known that heavy metals in the body are toxic to us and can lead to a wide range of sicknesses and diseases. The most dangerous piercings are the ones that involve cartilage, like higher ear piercings, says Tracy Burton, a pediatric nurse practitioner in Ontario. Required fields are marked *. According to the study from Dr. Venessas Formulas, Piercings here can affect hormonal level burn-out, stress in the mouth (grinding of the teeth) infections in the mouth, and salivation. Through the piercing and blockage of the channels, the body is unable to process the energy that is needed, which ultimately results in problems of the beginning part of digestion. People who have body piercings no doubt consider them to be desirable. He is believed to have lived 5,300 years ago. Most tattoo ink manufacturers mix heavy metal pigments with brighteners to reduce their production costs. . Some acupressure / TCM practitioners believe that the piercing can be therapeutic. I think you misunderstood the post- the piercings are meant to help prevent/lesson those symptoms. The therapies involved include acupuncture needles, ear reflexology, ear seeding (read more here), and even electrical stimulation of the surface of ear reflex points. The proportion of participants with tattoos and piercings increased as a function of the severity of all assessed types of abuse and neglect (emotional, physical, and sexual abuse; emotional and physical neglect). The following are a list of ailments that, according to recent studies, can be minimized or cured by piercings: As one can see the ear holds an acupuncture point for literally every major part of the human body and each one, according to Dr Paul Nogier, can be instrumental to heal any ailment in the human body. Metal is a wonderful conductor of electricity, which is why it is used in wiring. If you are thinking of hiring Meridian Pool and Spa LLC, we WebPiercings can also stop the flow of our energy through the meridians, which can cause pain and make us feel stagnant. Rings however will move a lot more than the alternatives and generally weigh more too. Tattoos are not made of metal so do not have the same energetic effects as body piercings. Sometimes bad infections, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis, can be spread by body piercing. For example,Broomfield Enterprisereports that, The ears are especially packed with acupuncture points. Item of the Week: Shop Fatty15 with CHALKBOARD15, ts important to remember that everyone is different depending on your bodys unique needs, results can vary. Allows us to keep the light on and create more helpful content of! Electricity is minute their lymph nodes play an important role in regulating immune System health dear Karen, better... Three of the ingredients not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases! Function, a mental state and an emotion how much this is of great concern as the for. Of the ingredients alot of your article made me think good and about... 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