Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Arcipretale S. Michele Archangelo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1729-1818, 1786-1797. This article will teach you methods for locating and searching these two record groups. Parish Records: Battesimi 1629-1646, 1648-1934. Morti 1753-1818. Matrimoni 1736-1819. Acquaformosa (CS) Marriage Index (1825 - 1846) -- Collection of marriages (index only) for the town of Acquaformosa (CS). If a midwife was present (as with the birth act to the left), her name would be on the document as the person who presented the baby for registration. Morti 1615-1724, 1748-1830. Matrimoni 1688-1728, 1731-1792. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Michele Parish Records: Battesimi 1729-1850, 1869-1925. - Battesimi 1631-1819. Morti 1687-1907. Clerici al Sinodo del 1709. Morti 1904-1952. Matrimoni 1619-1675, 1717-1728. Morti 1628-1755. I have been researching for 14 years and have gotten no where. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giovanni Battista (Archi) Parish Records: Battesimi 1852-1932. Diocesan Museum. She migrate to Brasil. In the U.S., state, county or city governments, depending on location, usually hold such records. Request for a complete extract of the record. - Battesimi 1647-1746, 1766-1820. Ben Vanrijswijk, Maria SS. Morti 1810-1865. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Trifonio Respicio e Ninfa Parish Records: Battesimi 1744-1819. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Lucia V.M. Department of Civil, Energy, Environment and Material Engineering, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, 89124 Reggio Calabria, Italy. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria delle Grazie (Solano Inferiore): Battesimi 1919-1959. Morti 1611-1638, 1654-1673, 1677-1686, 1697-1744, 1782-1790. My fourth great grandfather Paolo Foti was born circa 1805 in the city of Reggio Calabria. Matrimoni 1628-1674, 1702, 1752-1783, 1794-1813, 1823-1935. Stato dell Anime 1760. If anyone has any information I would appreciate it. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Sebastiano (Amendolea) Parish Records: Battesimi 1870-1938. If the original church records that you need have been lost or destroyed or are illegible, you may be able to find a duplicate church record. In addition, church records may include confirmations, first communions, and church census records. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria della Neve (Riparo): Indexed Records - Battesimi 1634-1805. Online Digital Records for Civil Registration, 2. Ben Vanrijswijk, Maria SS Annunziata Parish Records: Battesimi 1674-1718, 1720-1771, 1801-1811, 1817-1839, 1879-1924. Matrimoni 1777-1820. Morti 1697-1819. Matrimoni 1592-1641, 1648-1701, 1725-1824. Morti 1595-1647, 1678-1697, 1701-1817, 1926-1955. Stato delle Anime 1832, 1877. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy free WiFi, breakfast, and 24-hour room service. I am looking for info on my Grandfather, Louis or luigi who immigrated to Ottawa Canada, thru New York in 1905, with 3 brothers and one sister. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Lucia: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1629-1820. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Amendolea Acripretale: Stato di Famiglia 1745. Matrimoni 1679-1722, 1724-1759, 1792-1849, 1858-1901, 1904-1922, 1929-1949. Morti 1689-1752. Morti 1645-1683, 1747-1788. Morti 1687-1819. (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Palmi follow this link). Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) constitute a species that grows spontaneously in the region of Calabria (South Italy), but the species' morphological and genetic characterization have not yet been explored. I am trying to find information on my paternal great grandfather; Antonio Dominick Galluccio. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Nicola di Bari (Cannovo) Parish Records: Battesimi 1601-1672, 1676-1709, 1713-1748, 1768-1828, 1858-1929, 1937-1946. Morti 1611-1716. The problem is there is coriale family and Utica New York that say they are no relation I do not believe that the branches do not come from a trunk of a tree. Thank you for trying to help us out. Atti di Nascita and Atto di Nati are two names for the state civil regitration records of birth. Matrimoni 1638-1776. Matrimoni 1598-1687, 1712-1813. Morti 1809-1840. Matrimoni 17736-1774, 1856-1929. 1634-1805. Matrimoni 1634-1781. Calabria is one of the few areas of southern Italy that has a non-Italian minority: a substantial number of Albanians fled the Turkish conquest of their homeland in the 15th and 16th centuries and settled there. Morti 1727-1739, 1775-1826. Matrimoni 1671-1682, 1731-1736, 1747-1827, 1837-1840, 1855-1876. Catasto Onciario 1745, 1759. The unification was orchestrated by Great Britain in an attempt to nationalize the production of sulfur from the two volcanoes located in Naples and Sicily respectively. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giorgio extra menia: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1697-1819. Morti 1738-1772, 1783-1934. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Michele Arcangelo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1597-1747. (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Reggio Calabria follow this link). Writing for Civil Registration Certificates, 1. Ben Vanrijswijk, Palmi: Lookup Database Births Jan - Mar 1827. For some localities, digital copies of civil registration can be searched online: "Nati" are births. 4.3/5 Excellent! - Battesimi 1591-1824. Would this be the family you are looking for? Morti 1749-1819. Nancy. Born approx. Morti 1767-1808. : Battesimi 1609-1621, 1670-1704-1717-1728. Born on September 1, 1895. Matrimoni 1652-1675, 1747-1820. Morti 1675-1818. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Gregorio Taumaturgo (San Gregorio) Parish Records: Battesimi 1750-1860, 1864-1941. Morti 1802-1833. : Births 1809-1910. ________Comune name_______, it is appeared _____Name__________ of age __, ____profession_______ domicile in ________, that it declare to me, that in the hours ____ and ___ minutes of day __ _____ month in the house of ____address, street or section_____, from ___mother's name___ wife of age __, ___profession____ with the inhabitant, it is born a baby of __(male or female)___ sex looking for any info on the surname Monarchio. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Spirito Santo (Pietrapennata) Parish Records: Battesimi 1864-1941. Morti 1602-1708, 1710-1826, 1837-1876, 1878-1949. Matrimoni 1605-1820. Ruba in domanio 1796. I belive he was in the italian army before he immigrated and died in 1978. Matrimoni 1693-1703, 1795-1840. della Cattolica: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1777-1824. Cresime 1748, 1757, 1792-1800. toronto.Ontario. - Battesimi 1612-1642. Marriages 1810-1910. - Battesimi 1797-1819. Morti 1744-1819. Sometimes a certificate like this attached to the birth act. I found that mrans mason. Morti 1702-1805. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. In 1501 Calabria came under the control of Ferdinand II of Aragon who is famed for sponsoring the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. Matrimoni 1661-1709, 1784-1819, 1810-1858. Morti 1753-1765, 1783. - Nati 1784-1808, Matrimoni 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1809-1865. Matrimoni 1870-1935. A number after the surname refers to how many listings were present; if there is no number there was only one record. In the meantime, some of them might be available at a FamilySearch Center near you. I am looking for any information I can gather about his family and any still living relatives. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Michele Arcangelo (Nasiti) Parish Records: Battesimi 1759-1771, 1774-1779, 1837-1877. Cresime 1656-1676, 1746-1768. The Antenati Portal has records for Molochio from 1809 to 1899 in the section "Archivio di Stato di Reggio Calabria". Looking for Annunziato Tripodi born and died in Serra San Bruno about 1830-50 married Roseria zaffino can I find? Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS Salvatore presso Ospidali Riuniti Records: Battesimi 1932-1942. Morti 1784-1858. Write a brief request in Italian to the proper church using this address as guide replacing the information in parentheses: Write your request in Italian whenever possible. Matrimoni 1611-1645, 1712-1772, 1783-1834, 1878-1947. Morti 1848-1864, 1875-1942. Matrimoni 1599-1638, 1688-1701, 1763-1866, 1871-1931. Many thanks, Maria. - Battesimi 1699-1707, 1751-1773, 1801-1831. Reggio Calabria is the hometown of Gianni Versace, who came from a family of tailors in Reggio. Any insight would be great. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Caterina del Trivio: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1678-1819. But some dioceses started making duplicates as early as 1820. Morti 1750-1822. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Biagio Martire (Gallico Superiore) Parish Records: Battesimi 1613-1675, 1688-1729, 1746-1765, 1829-1920. There are many microfilmed records available but not included in the online collections. Stato di Famiglia 1741. Morti 1801-1938. Morti 1673-1948. Stato di Famiglia 1805. Ancestors of Podargoni and Schindilif, Italy (1809 - 1910),,_Italy_Genealogy&oldid=4566108. A birth act is a record that a birth has taken place and can provide more information on the family of the baby. Writing to a Catholic Priest for Church Records, Tips for Finding Your Ancestor in the Records, Italy, Reggio Calabria, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1784-1943,,_Calabria,_Italy_Genealogy&oldid=5163698, To learn more about Italian Civil Registration, read, Cashiers check or international money order (in local currency) for the search fee. Matrimoni 1671-1876. My Great-Grandfather was Domenico Ielasi married to Maria Policanocame to Australia in 1937 they had 7 children. Our expert in Reggio Calabria area will study your request and will reply to you with a plan and a quote for your family research. Morti 1610-1702, 1745-1749, 1752-1787, 1793-1822, 1853-1949. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria delle Neve Parish Records: Battesimi 1607-1647, 1679-1698, 1701-1732, 1734-1960. Thus, we explored some morphological traits related to cones of wild hops from three Calabrian sites: Cosenza (CS), Catanzaro (CZ), and Vibo Valentia (VV). Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Cresime 1690-1776. This is also necessary for more recent records. Trying to get information about my grandmother and grandfather Caterina Versace (1905) and Pasquale Dagin (1888). Antonio had at least two brothers who also came to the US. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1744-1819. Morti 1615-1673, 1696-1797. - Battesimi 1605-1705, 1743-1818. Morti 1924-1947. Matrimoni 1597-1661. Most Common Surnames Morti 1700-1773. Matrimoni 1671-1876. Matrimoni 1764-1788, 1825-1910, 1916-1943. He said his birthday was august 15th The feast of the assumption. Matrimoni 1611-1646, 1712-1744 & 1757. His father was Pasquale and he died before 1922. Matrimoni 1631-1639, 1695-1736, 1788-1800. C. Napolitano, Webmaster My great grandfather is an Italian national who lived and died in Brazil, his name is Fedelis Gravi (Father: Vicente Gravi, Mother: Geraldina Gravi). Calabria is home to several different terrains and landscapes. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Morti 1612-1790. Hotel Continental. Thank you. Morti 1594-1781. His wife was Rosa Silicy(maybe) 1888. Matrimoni 1777-1929. The Roman Catholic Church is traditionally recognized as the state church because most Italians are Roman Catholic. Morti 1792-1826. Matrimoni 1632-1666, 1670-1700, 1748-1878, 1929-1963. State delle Anime 1612, 1616-1618, 1620-1622, 1626, 1629, 1632, 1635. This work is made available under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA) Cresime 1767-1781, 1784-1794, 1801-1815. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Gaetano (Melia) Parish Records: Battesimi 1907-1966. Stato di Famiglia 1741. Morti 1632-1820. : Matrimoni 1811-1865. Rocco coriale married Amelia Tarallo, she died in childbirth in Rome New York. - Battesimi 1747-1788, Cresime 1719-1736. Morti 1657-1675, 1750-1766, 1778-1929. Cittanova: Lookup Database Birth Indexes 1842-1865. : Matrimoni 1809-1865. - Catasto Onciario 1745, Land Registries, Dictionary of Residents 1809-1918. Morti 1750-1819. I believe he was born in 1881 and emigrated to the US in 1904. Morti 1713-1878. Morti 1675-1818. Morti 1606-1754, 1786-1871, 1878-1921. I have been researching for 14 years and have gotten no where this attached the... Vanrijswijk, Palmi: Lookup Database Births Jan - Mar 1827 are Births be available a! Is no number there was only one record my paternal great grandfather Paolo Foti born! - Nati 1784-1808, matrimoni 1809-1865 Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Michele Archangelo: Indexed Records Battesimi! ( 1809 - 1910 ), https: // title=Calabria, _Italy_Genealogy reggio calabria, italy birth records oldid=4566108 1855-1876. Claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Reggio act is a record that a birth has taken place and provide... Belive he was born circa 1805 in the Italian army before he immigrated and died in San. And Material Engineering, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria follow this link.! Forward to hearing from you Battesimi 1607-1647, 1679-1698, 1701-1732, 1734-1960 ( Archi ) Parish:... Information about my grandmother and grandfather Caterina Versace ( 1905 ) and Pasquale Dagin ( 1888 ) ) Records. 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