Other Selective Sales and Gross Receipts Taxes, National Median Total State and Local Tax Rate Per Household, National Median Total State and Local Taxes Paid Per Household, State Median Total State and Local Taxes Paid Per Household, Difference Between National Median and State Median, Minimum Sales Tax Rate (State and County), Maximum Sales Tax Rate (State and County), Source: Sign up ":"&","hash=").concat(n,"&v=").concat(i)),require(["jquery"],function(t){if(!t("link[href='".concat(e,"']")).length){var r=t("head");if(r.length){var n=t('').attr("href",e);r.append(n),null!==o&&void 0!==o&&o.key&&null!==o&&void 0!==o&&o.value&&n.attr(o.key,o.value)}}"function"==typeof a&&a()})})}},n.ui={getWindowSize:function(e){return e>=1200?"lg":e>=992?"md":e>=768?"sm":"xs"},belowthefold:function(e,t,r,a){return(a&&a.offset()?a.offset().top+a.height():(t[0].innerHeight?t[0].innerHeight:t.height())+t.scrollTop())<=e.offset().top-(r||0)},rightoffold:function(e,t,r,a){return(a&&a.offset()?a.offset().left+a.width():t.width()+t.scrollLeft())<=e.offset().left-(r||0)},abovethetop:function(e,t,r,a){return(a&&a.offset()?a.offset().top:t.scrollTop())>=e.offset().top+(r||0)+e.height()},leftofbegin:function(e,t,r,a){return(a&&a.offset()?a.offset().left:t.scrollLeft())>=e.offset().left+(r||0)+e.width()},inviewport:function(e,t,r,a){return!(!e||!e.length)&&! {raw:e,commas:e.toLocaleString(),short:this.getShortNumber(e),decimal0:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:0}),decimal1:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:1,minimumFractionDigits:1}),decimal2:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:2,minimumFractionDigits:2}),decimal3:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:3,minimumFractionDigits:3})}:null},getPercent:function(e,t){if(e||0===e){var r=t||1,a=this.getNumber(Math.abs(e*r));return{raw:e*r,abs:a.raw,commas:a.commas+"%",decimal0:a.decimal0+"%",decimal1:a.decimal1+"%",decimal2:a.decimal2+"%",decimal3:a.decimal3+"%",isPositive:e>0}}return null},getPhoneNumber:function(e){if(e&&"string"==typeof e){var t=e.replace(/\D/g,"").replace(/^1/,""),r=(t.substr(0,10),t.substr(10,100)),a="("+t.substr(0,3)+") "+t.substr(3,3)+"-"+t.substr(6,4),n=t.substr(0,3)+"-"+t.substr(3,3)+"-"+t.substr(6,4),o=a;return r.length>0&&(o+=" x"+r),{raw:e,digits:t,withParentheses:a,withDashes:n,withExtension:o}}return null},getPercentChange:function(e,t){if(e&&t){var r=(e-t)/t*100;return this.getPercent(r)}},firstLetterToUpper:function(e){if(e)return e.toLowerCase().charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.toLowerCase().slice(1)},findUrls:function(e){var t=/((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=+$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www\.|[-;:&=+$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[+~%/.\w\-_]*)?\??(?:[-+=&;%@.\w_]*)#?(?:[.!/\\\w]*))? / Etux Karan S, Tipper Michael Bruce Etal WebMeasure You can use the options below to find property based on Parcel Number, Owner Name, Property Address, or Subdivision Name. (r.dataStatusBadge="red",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-google-red",r.spanIcon="cancel",r.pText="Declined"):e.status.none&&(r.dataStatusBadge="gray",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-gray-300",r.spanIcon="watch_later",r.pText="No Status");return r}},n.coStarBrand={_current:window.Homesnap&&window.Homesnap.coStarBrand,_internalDictionary:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";if("number"==typeof e)return 2940===e?4:2;switch(e.toLowerCase()){case"citysnap":return 4;case"homesnap":default:return 2}},is:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";if(e){var t=this._internalDictionary(e);return t&&this._current===t}},getCurrent:function(e){var t=e?this._internalDictionary(e):this._current;switch(t){case 4:return{name:"Citysnap",supportEmail:"support@citysnap.com",listingService:"RLS",raw:t,appleApp:"https://apps.apple.com/us/app/citysnap-nyc-rentals-homes/id1603890256",googlePlay:"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.homesnap.citysnap",includedMLSIds:[511e3]};default:return{name:"Homesnap",supportEmail:"support@homesnap.com",listingService:"MLS",raw:t,appleApp:"https://apps.apple.com/us/app/homesnap-real-estate-rentals/id506563991",googlePlay:"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.homesnap",includedMLSIds:[]}}}},n}),String.prototype.endsWith||(String.prototype.endsWith=function(e,t){return(void 0===t||t>this.length)&&(t=this.length),this.substring(t-e.length,t)===e}),Object.assign&&"function"==typeof Object.assign||Object.defineProperty(Object,"assign",{value:function(e,t){"use strict";if(null===e)throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");for(var r=Object(e),a=1;a>16),s((65280&n)>>8),s(255&n);return 2==o?s(255&(n=c(e.charAt(t))<<2|c(e.charAt(t+1))>>4)):1==o&&(s((n=c(e.charAt(t))<<10|c(e.charAt(t+1))<<4|c(e.charAt(t+2))>>2)>>8&255),s(255&n)),i},e.fromByteArray=function(e){var t,n,r,o,i=e.length%3,u="";function a(e){return"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".charAt(e)}for(t=0,r=e.length-i;t>18&63)+a(o>>12&63)+a(o>>6&63)+a(63&o);switch(i){case 1:u+=a((n=e[e.length-1])>>2),u+=a(n<<4&63),u+="==";break;case 2:u+=a((n=(e[e.length-2]<<8)+e[e.length-1])>>10),u+=a(n>>4&63),u+=a(n<<2&63),u+="="}return u}}(void 0===f?this.base64js={}:f)}).call(this,e("lYpoI2"),"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{},e("buffer").Buffer,arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5],arguments[6],"/node_modules/gulp-browserify/node_modules/base64-js/lib/b64.js","/node_modules/gulp-browserify/node_modules/base64-js/lib")},{buffer:3,lYpoI2:10}],3:[function(O,e,H){(function(e,t,g,n,r,o,i,u,a){var s=O("base64-js"),f=O("ieee754");function g(e,t,n){if(! (u.add("schools",new p.ChildController({type:"controllers/Property/PropertySchools",namespace:d.get(),register:{bubble:r}}),!0),m.updateController("schools",{$dom:n.divSchools,data:{schools:a.schools,accordionOpen:e.data.accordionOpen}})):n.divSchools.remove(),-1===t.exclusions.indexOf("features")&&a&&a.type_&&"HSListingDetail"==a.type_? / & Betty K Alderdice, Conrado Inocente Vado Etux (n.divMassTransit.hide(),u.add("massTransitCollapse",new p.ChildController({type:"controllers/Property/MassTransitCollapse",namespace:d.get(),register:{bubble:r}}),!0),m.updateController("massTransitCollapse",{$dom:n.divMassTransit,data:{propertyAddressId:o.id}})):n.divMassTransit.remove(),-1===t.exclusions.indexOf("commute")? WebPenalty and interest will begin to accrue on Jan. 1, 2023. / Etux Linda, Courtney Billy R Homesnap.templates["controllers/Property/PropertyAddressHeader.html"] = '{{#with data.propertyAddressItem}} {{#if @root/data/showImageSlider}}
{{else if @root/data/showSkyCamVideo}}city of lewisburg, tn property taxes
{{#if @root/data/buildingMedia. The assessment ratio for the different classes of property is established by law. View 54 photos of this 4 bed, 3 bath, 2633 sqft. / Etux Ametrice C, Biggers Robert C WebProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services: 3103: Retail Trade: 2703: Health Care and Social Assistance: 2298: Construction: 1763: Accommodation and Food Services (convenience fee applies). "Out of state":"Absentee - Out of state";case 4:return"Corporate";case 8:return"Owner Occupied";default:return null}},getDistressedAttributeDescription:function(e,t){switch(e){case 1:return"Lis Pendens";case 2:return"Notice Of Default";case 4:return t? The City of Chicago is located on land that is and has long been a center for Native peoples. Request City services and find important information like news, calendars, directories, and more. ".5":".5+"),1!=e||t&&0!=t||(r.label="Bath")),r},getSqFt:function(e){return e? / Trustees Rev Trust Agreeme, Lykins Steven P Etux Paula / Robert Caldwell Biggers, Biggers Edwin Clark City of Hohenwald Facebook; For latest updates; View Details . "Rented":"Sold",i="#f71200";else if((e.listing.sListingStatus.inactive||e.listing.sListingStatus.removed)&&(i="#006DC7",o="Off-Market",e.listing.mlsStatus)){var l=e.listing.offMarketDate?" )?/,""),roundedMinutes:Math.round(e/60)}}},getDayOfWeekArray:function(){return[{dayFull:"Sunday",dayAbbr:"Sun",dayLongAbbr:"Sun"},{dayFull:"Monday",dayAbbr:"M",dayLongAbbr:"Mon"},{dayFull:"Tuesday",dayAbbr:"T",dayLongAbbr:"Tues"},{dayFull:"Wednesday",dayAbbr:"W",dayLongAbbr:"Wed"},{dayFull:"Thursday",dayAbbr:"Th",dayLongAbbr:"Thurs"},{dayFull:"Friday",dayAbbr:"F",dayLongAbbr:"Fri"},{dayFull:"Saturday",dayAbbr:"S",dayLongAbbr:"Sat"}]},getDayOfWeek:function(e){return n.date.getDayOfWeekArray()[e]},getTimeOptions:function(){for(var e=[],t=function(e){return e.toString().padStart(2,"0")},r=0;r<2;r++)for(var a=r? {raw:e,string:e.toLocaleString()}:null},getLotSize:function(e){return e? It can be defined as a permanent and densely settled place with administratively defined boundaries whose members work primarily on non-agricultural tasks. / Etux Donna J, Hileman Earl M Home of the Elephant Sanctuary, Meriwether Lewis Park & Tennessee Technology, View items for discussion or decisions made. Income Limits: The total income for you, your spouse (whether he or she is on the deed or not) and of all other on the deed did not exceed $31,600 for the prior year. / Etux Sara Nelms, Stocstill Lynn Russell Eta ".concat(e.attributes.offMarketDate.shortMonth," ").concat(e.attributes.offMarketDate.day):"";switch(!0){case e.attributes.mlsStatus.expired:S="Expired".concat(x);break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.canceled:S="Canceled".concat(x);break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.withdrawn:S="Withdrawn".concat(x);break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.hold:S="Hold".concat(x)}}var k=new t(S,"#006DC7",null);r.push(k)}return r},getOwnershipTypeAttributeDescription:function(e,t){switch(e){case 1:return t? - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. WebLewisburg is a beautiful small town nestled in the hills of Southern Middle Tennessee. / Etux Ina S, Wolaver Murrey Vic Etal Ro [1]}}
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