In welcher Form gibt es da eine Partnerschaft und mit welchem Unternehmen der Dell Gruppe genau? FinTech is an exciting industry. The platform for physicians is a disruptive entry into the healthcare sector. The coating reduces the frictional resistance of ships in the water, for example, in turn reducing energy consumption and emissions enormously. You have to consider that this groundbreaking basic technology protected by the confirmed patent made various concepts of the early Internet as well as todays cloud computing possible in the first place. #134 Patentrechtlich schutzfhige Technologien frdern, "Dr. Heiner Pollert (Patentpol Group) im Podcast Format "WasHeldenTun"", Youtube, 05.03.2021, "Patentrecht: Schutzfhige Technologien frdern", W&V Podcast, 05.03.2021, Credit Suisse RavenPack AI Index gewinnt Index of the Year Award 2022, Wispr und CryptoDATA Tech werden Titelsponsoren des Moto GP am Red Bull Ring in sterreich, Tech Times berichtet ber Blockchain-Messenger-App Wispr, Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 ein voller Erfolg, Hightech Value Pool: Nachhaltigkeit nachgewiesen. Always with an eye to patent protectability. Numerous project approaches were offered, and on several occasions, to IT industry entities, including Microsoft. Various international high-tech corporations have been illegally using this technology, patented in Germany and Great Britain, free of charge for years. Patentpool acts as an interface to advance projects in the value chain. These aspects include secure data communication as well as the server-side creation of web pages. He is also the first chairman of the German Institute for Inventions, which has been awarding the Rudolf Diesel Medal, Europes oldest innovation prize, for almost 70 years. CryptoDATA Tech, das Unternehmen hinter Wispr, ist der neue MotoGP-Sponsor und schmckt von nun an den Red Bull Ring. The fund is already invested in four fascinating high-tech companies: Arcware, Frontnow, Prisma Analytics, and Aircoating Technologies. The focus was on a so-called gatekeeper function. Here's Why VALL-E Concerns Experts, Apple, China Relationship Called Untenable Amidst Criticism, Nepal Airplane Crash Last Seconds Livestreamed by Passenger | Data Recorder Sent to France, Who is Sim Wong Hoo: Everything You Need to Know About Singapore's Creative CEO, CryptoWatch: Bitcoin's Rise, Twitter's Secret Digital Coins, and Binance's Employment Increase. Das Ziel: technische Innovationen patentrechtlich zu schtzen, sie finanziell zu frdern und zu managen. Well, if were interested in an idea, a technology, or a project, we really put the project under the microscope. Another example is security-relevant software. We are thrilled to announce that Canify A/S took a big step forward and has merged with a German pharmaceutical company, Bavaria Weed GmbH - one of the first German pharmaceutical companies with a license for unlimited production, importation, and packaging of cannabis raw materials. For this reason, RavenPack concentrated in the following years on developing its own application of the technology, which was as lucrative as possible, and on using it entrepreneurially. Dr Heiner Pollert: - Exit der Grndungsinvestoren der Patentpool Innovationsmanagement GmbH nach 18 Monaten mit Gesamt Brutto Rendite von 28% p.a.. - Exit PATENTPOOL Technologie Fonds I GmbH & Co. KG. We actively build and hone the company from the very beginning, both financially and strategically. Meet Dr. Stan Heiner; Meet the Team; What Sets Us Apart; Our Blog; However, as significant parts of our everyday lives depend on communication facilitated via these messenger services, questions about privacy and concerns become louder. Zu uns kommen Innovationsgeber (Erfinder), die nicht nur Kapital von uns wollen, sondern auch, dass wir mit ihnen eine Firma grnden und diese gemeinsam aufbauen. one of our hottest candidates. Beyond overseeing patent grants, more is in our hands: capital raising, know-how, networking, business, legal and organizational issues, all of this. How to Setup VPN on Router? Patentpool acts as an interface to advance projects in the value chain. A clear allocation of tasks is always ensured: Our experts take on all business functions so that the innovators can concentrate exclusively on the technical development. The coating reduces the frictional resistance of ships in the water, for example, in turn reducing energy consumption and emissions enormously. Another way to monetize the intellectual property right is to sell it to potential infringers or international collecting societies. Thankfully, the skills needed to manage innovation projects are very similar to those needed for TV projects. Solange der Hype nicht begonnen hat.Entscheide dich fr unser Team, Wir sind bereits 63 und werden tglich mehr. Vollstndigen Video geht es Hier entlang, !! The HVP fund clearly stands out next to other early-stage funds. Then we havePrisma Analytics,one of our hottest candidates. Bekanntmachung der Allgemeinverfgung zum Bezug und zur Anwendung monoklonaler Antikrper und zum Bezug und zur Abgabe antiviraler, oral einzunehmender Arzneimittel gegen COVID-19. Over such a length of time, as you can imagine, weve learned what innovations need to become successful. As a SaaS solution, AI systems and technologies provide recommendations for action and future predictions for retailers and producers. The HVP fund combines the advantages of open-end and closed-end funds through tailor-made solutions for investors, all within the scope of an evergreen fund. Well, if were interested in an idea, a technology, or a project, we really put the project under the microscope. Zoes legal team is however experienced in international infringement proceedings and has already collected hundreds of millions of euros for international clients in past proceedings against IT and other technology companies. "Managing Patentable Technologies and Innovations; Interview with Dr. Heiner Pollert, CEO and founder of the Patentpool Group", Credit Suisse RavenPack AI Index gewinnt Index of the Year Award 2022, Wispr und CryptoDATA Tech werden Titelsponsoren des Moto GP am Red Bull Ring in sterreich, Tech Times berichtet ber Blockchain-Messenger-App Wispr, Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 ein voller Erfolg, Hightech Value Pool: Nachhaltigkeit nachgewiesen. And our projects can only be successful with the right people and partners if you like our attitude or think your company would be a suitable network partner, were eager to hear from you. TV formats are only protected by copyright, and this is, unfortunately, both easy to circumvent and difficult to enforce. Im Sonderheft der Sddeutschen Zeitung, dem +3 Magazin, nennt Dr. Heiner Pollert in in seiner Funktion als Wirtschaftssenators des BVMW 3 Innovationen die letztes Jahr die Produktivitt gesteigert haben. Sure. Follow the instructions on the invitation to be part of this unprecedented occasion. At the time, I was passionate about developing TV formats, and it happened to me quite often that large production companies and broadcasters simply implemented these same ideas after seeing our presentation without my colleagues and me and without paying us for it. Das Forbes Magazin berichtet in der aktuellen, deutschsprachigen Ausgabe mit einem Artikel ber 3 Seiten, sowie online als auch in einem ausfhrlichen Video-Interview mit der Redakteurin Andrea Glsemann ber Dr. Heiner Pollert als Grnder und CEO der Patentpool Group und das Target Prisma Analytics. Verbraucherschutz-Podcast: Finanzbildung ber soziale Medien funktioniert das? Patentpool has more than two decades of experience in innovation funding and will make a significant contribution in making our technology a success," said Ovidiu Toma, CEO of Wispr. A lot of know-how leaked to the outside world, an unavoidable outcome when presenting technologies. Numerous project approaches were offered, and on several occasions, to IT industry entities, including Microsoft. Die Zusammenarbeit basiert auf einer Kooperations-Vereinbarung mit Dell UK. And our projects can only be successful with the right people and partners if you like our attitude or think your company would be a suitable network partner, were eager to hear from you. Initially, the project proposals languished in the companies drawers and files. Nach der digitalen Verleihung im Jahr 2021 fand die Preisvergabe der Rudolf-Diesel Medaillen in diesem Jahr wieder in Anwesenheit von 80 Gsten im Rahmen eines Gala-Dinners statt. We work extensively with universities as well as the aforementioned German Institute for Inventions to filter out less viable prospects and end up with the right start-ups. Zum Wochenende ein umfangreiches Interview mit Dr. Heiner Pollert im TechBullion: ber die Entstehung der Patentpool Group, unsere Portfolio Projekte, den Patentstreit mit Microsoft Deutschland . Warnung: Energiekonzepte Deutschland GmbH Warnungen von Kunden und welche Rolle spielt die Tochtergesellschaft der Sparkassen? He is also the first chairman of the German Institute for Inventions, which has been awarding the Rudolf Diesel Medal, Europes oldest innovation prize, for almost 70 years. We work extensively with universities as well as the aforementioned German Institute for Inventions to filter out less viable prospects and end up with the right start-ups. In this interview with TechBullion, Dr. Heiner will be telling us more about Patentpool Group. A further step planned is the launching of a broad-based licensing program that is specifically aimed at large international corporations. Aktuell befinden sich sechs aktive Projekte im Portfolio des Unternehmens, in die laut Pollert jhrlich bis zu 15 Millionen investiert werden. Sign up for our free newsletter for the Latest coverage! That motivated me to change industries. Only 50 spots left for the greatest event of the year! Planbar Finanzmanagement AG kritische Stimmen erreichen unsere Redaktion, Thamm & Partner zahlen Sie da blo kein Geld mehr ein, Achtung: Fischer & Partner Ltd, Betreiberin der Website, ist kein nach 32 KWG bzw. Bei Patentpool beschleunigen wir seit 25 Jahren Innovationen in einer Vielzahl von Zukunftsbranchen. Seit 2009 ist er zudem Erster Vorsitzender des Deutsches Institut fr Erfindungswesen (DIE). 15 views, 4 likes, 0 loves, 2 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Edain: Dr. Heiner Pollert Co-Founder Prisma Analytics Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverstndnis aus. This blockchain-powered messenger app provides a platform for encrypted messaging, file transfers, and calls. The vast majority of big tech messengers still falls short of guaranteeing privacy. We focus on future and growth markets of all kinds and the global megatrends, which specifically range from extremely sophisticated IT solutions to the medical use of cannabis. Wispr stands out from competitors thanks to blockchain technology, which provides a censorship-resistant and fully transparent messaging app where all forms of communicationsmessages, calls . Thus, the high courts ruled that the patent challenged by Microsoft Deutschland GmbH is valid in Germany to the extent granted. Entwicklungen der PATENTPOOL-Gruppe erhielten in den vergangenen Jahren wiederholt Industriepreise und andere Auszeichnungen, so z. At this, Patentpool acts as an interface to advance projects in the value chain. Do not reproduce without permission. 15 WpIG zugelassenes Institut, JES AG eine bilanziell berschuldete Gesellschaft. On the other hand, the world's second biggest messenger app, Telegram, does not even use end-to-end encryption by default - despite the fact that it is marketed as a highly secure application. Die Patentpool Group im Magazin DER MITTELSTAND als innovatives Best Practice Unternehmen. Dem entgegen steht die eher nchterne Betrachtung Heiner Pollerts: Vor einer neutral denkenden Maschine habe ich weniger Angst als vor der Eitelkeit und Eifersucht eines menschlichen Entscheidungstrgers. Als Grnder und CEO von Patentpool das Mnchner Unternehmen ist ein Mix aus Risikokapitalgeber und Company Builder setzt Pollert den Fokus auf disruptive Technologien in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeits- und Informationstechnologie, Technikwissenschaft sowie Medizin/Pharma. All communications over Wispr are encrypted and protected by Voice Over Blockchain Protocols (VOBP) technology, making every interaction and exchange completely private. (Photo : Dr. Heiner Pollert, CEO and founder of Patentpool Group by: Eichmeister Kreativagentur). Edain Coin, Dell Technology Frdert Coin de Wissens in Zusammenarbeit mit Cryptodata und Prisma-analytics.Sei ein Teil der Grten Digitalen Krypto Wissensba. Ob Company Building, Patentanmeldungen, Buchhaltung oder Marketing bei Patentpool sind die entsprechenden Experten vorhanden und werden ihnen zur Verfgung gestellt, sagt Pollert. In the more than 20 years lasting history of our company we have learned what it needs to make innovations successful. We look at about 3,000 ideas and projects per year - and only participate in a few," said Dr. Heiner Pollert, CEO of the Patentpool Group. This provides maximum security in a risky market. "Manager der Innovationen", Forbes Magazin (PDF, 2MB), "Manager der Innovationen",, 27.04.2021, Video Interview von Dr. Pollert, Sebastian Ptzsch und Forbes-Redakteurin Andrea Glsemann auf, Credit Suisse RavenPack AI Index gewinnt Index of the Year Award 2022, Wispr und CryptoDATA Tech werden Titelsponsoren des Moto GP am Red Bull Ring in sterreich, Tech Times berichtet ber Blockchain-Messenger-App Wispr, Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 ein voller Erfolg, Hightech Value Pool: Nachhaltigkeit nachgewiesen. Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 - ein voller Erfolg Die Verleihung der Rudolf-Diesel-Medaillen als Galadinner im MAN Museum Augsburg am . B. Auszeichnung BEST OF des INDUSTRIEPREIS 2012 fr die Accuramics GmbH (innovative Energiespar-Technologie), ISPO Award 2007 fr Heierling iFlex AG (innovative Skischuh-Entwicklung) und Best Specialist Data Provider" des Technical Analyst Awards 2013 in London. 03. Nevertheless, P2P doesn't solve every security issue. Dazu zhlt Prisma Analytics, das mittels KI eine digitale Abbildung der realen Welt erschafft und mit der Prognosefunktion Antworten auf die groen Fragen der Menschheit etwa jene rund um den Klimawandel liefern knnen soll. One example: the technology is used in transaction and sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining. Our company history stretches back more than 20 years. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore PatentPool's full profile. Heiner Pollert (GF) Aktiv seit: Email: Internetadresse: Beschreibung: Keine Beschreibung verfgbar: Wichtiger Hinweis Die Informationen zu diesem Angebot beruhen auf den Angaben des Initiators und sind nicht von uns auf ihre Richtigkeit, Vollstndigkeit und Plausibilitt geprft worden. Suunto d6 - Der Vergleichssieger der Redaktion. Zoes legal team is however experienced in international infringement proceedings and has already collected hundreds of millions of euros for international clients in past proceedings against IT and other technology companies. Digitizing Healthcare with Cloud Computing; Interview With A. Hadi Chaudhry, CEO and President of CareCloud, Best Microsoft Project Alternatives of 2022, Next Level of Celebrity Culture in Asia: Interview with Co-founder of Gemie. Yes, certainly. Since WhatsApp accounts are always bound to a phone number, fraudsters regularly attempt to imitate users identity in order to obtain a person's second SIM card from their telecommunications provider. Dr. Heiner Pollert's Post Dr. Heiner Pollert CEO & Founder of the Patentpool Group and Prisma Analytics GmbH | Chairman of the German Institute of Innovation 10mo Report this post . In the end, its the gatekeeper patent that protects against imitators. Were currently considering legal action in the UK a patent was also granted for that country. With the help of high-quality content, the company is creating the largest information network in Germany for physicians in private practice and those who want to become one. Mit Patentpool etablierte Heiner Pollert eine Mischung aus VC und Company Builder. So I came to the conclusion that patents, on the other hand, are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar and flush large amounts into their applicants coffers if someone violates them. For the time being, at least. Simultaneously, we operate the start-up and, as managers, actively take care of all business management tasks, such as financing, controlling, marketing, sales, and networking. It starts with visionary sourcing, underpinned by a meticulous due diligence process, and leads to a project pipeline with promising innovations. Dr. Heiner Pollert, First Chairman of the sponsoring association "Deutsches Institut fr Erfindungswesen e.V." and Prof. Dr. Alexander Wurzer, Spokesman of the Board of Trustees, paid tribute to Renate Pilz's entrepreneurial spirit. However, were dead chuffed that weve been able to successfully continue on this path to this day. It wasnt until 2012, after the term cloud computing had become known and Microsoft had presented its new user platform Azure to the public, that third parties also became aware of how far that very same intellectual property, submitted for patent in 2000, had come. It wasnt until 2012, after the term cloud computing had become known and Microsoft had presented its new user platform Azure to the public, that third parties also became aware of how far that very same intellectual property, submitted for patent in 2000, had come. Heiner Pollert wurde am 30. (Photo : Wispr by Eichmeister Kreativagentur). Thus was born the world market leader for news analysis in the financial industry: RavenPack. The next step will be to settle the amount of compensation in court or out of court. In this interview with TechBullion, Dr. Heiner will be telling us more about Patentpool Group. We see ourselves as a kind of hybrid something between early-stage investors and company builders. Then we haveArcware. 80% des eingesetzten Kapitals realisiert. Through capital input, know-how, and a broad network, we transform innovations into marketable technologies and products. Das Geschftsmodell der PATENTPOOL-Gruppe ist die Vermarktung von patentfhigen Technologien. The laudatory speech said: "Pilz is regarded as a pioneer of modern machine safety. Then we have Arcware. Unlike conventional venture capital companies, we usually take over the operational management when implementing our projects. I came up with the idea of launching this business model during my time as a film producer. Das Getty Images Design ist eine eingetragene Marke von Getty Images. This company has developed a technology that can extract, analyze and correlate a variety of structured and unstructured information from digital sources in real-time. An application for a European patent for this was filed in 1999 and granted in 2006 for Germany and Great Britain. Heiner Pollert (* 30. In the Tosca Project, Zoe could also see to it that Microsoft Deutschland GmbH is now confronted with patent infringement. In einem Gastbeitrag auf dem Debattenportal TheEuropean erlutert Dr. Heiner Pollert die Bedeutung der bisher bekannten Plne einer potenziellen Ampelregierung fr den Innovationsstandort Deutschland. Speakers from major European companies included founder and CEO of UNGSII Foundation - Roland Schatz, founder and CEO of Patentpool Group Germany - Dr. Heiner Pollert, FX & MM Specialist at Refinitiv (LSEG) - Konstantinos Pogiatzis, CEO of Prisma Analytics GmbH - Sebastian Potzsch, creator of the C+8 Technology - Dr. Hardy F. Schloer, CEO of . Sure. Beyond overseeing patent grants, more is in our hands: capital raising, know-how, networking, business, legal and organizational issues, all of this. Ist es richtig, das Peter Steiner nicht mehr in Ihrem Verwaltungsrat ist? This is big data management at its best and is mainly used for financial information, one of Prisma Analytics major branches. This covers the range from business plan creation, plan-safe financing through controlling, knowledge transfer, and PR/marketing up to professional personnel selection/HR. Dr. Heiner Pollert Grnder und Geschftsfhrer bei PATENTPOOL Group Published Feb 16, 2021 + Follow Hinter uns liegt ein turbulentes Jahr - keine Frage. Up to 200 million euros is designated as the size of the fund, the geographical focus is on Germany and Europe. The Arcware 3D cloud platform enables interactive, real-time, 3D application delivery on all current and future devices. Der digitale TV-Kanal F15 von Forbes produziert Video-Interviews mit den wichtigsten unternehmerischen Denkern der DACH-Region und darber hinaus. Jordan gold - Der Favorit unserer Tester Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 Detaillierter Kaufratgeber Die besten Geheimtipps Beste Angebote Alle Vergleichssieger JETZT lesen. Wir prfen rund 3.000 Ideen und Projekte pro Jahr und beteiligen uns nur an wenigen, sagt Dr. Heiner Pollert, CEO der Patentpool-Gruppe. FrontNow in turn was founded with the aim of supporting consumer goods producers in selling their products in the trade while enabling retailers to offer the right products to local customers. Organisieren, kontrollieren, verteilen und messen Sie alle Ihre digitalen Inhalte. Most businesses and individuals alike use messenger apps on a daily basis. Das Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats der Gesellschaft Herr Dr. Heiner Pollert hat sein Mandat mit Wirkung zum Ende dieser Hauptversammlung niedergelegt und wird daher zu diesem Zeitpunkt aus dem Aufsichtsrat ausscheiden. June 2022. !34 Euro!!!. Fintech News 8 Tech Innovations to Step Up Your FinTech Branding. [2], Heiner Pollert ist seit 2007 Mitglied im Landeswirtschaftssenat Bayern des Bundesverband mittelstndische Wirtschaft (BVMW) und seit 2013 Mitglied im Beratungsausschuss Initiative Mittelstand im BVMW. 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