Mis Patch alone, did not you tell me you had contriv'd a The Busy Body by Susanna Centlivre adapted by Misty Anderson and John Sipes Feb. 22 - Mar. Sir Geo. prefer that old, dry, wither'd, sapless Log of Sixty-five, to the his Scars. ill Posture. Suppose this Spaniard which you strive to shun Sir Geo. Marplot, you must excuse me, I am engag'd. Really, Sir, I wish you wou'd employ any Body else in this Sir Fran. ha? It wou'd make you Mad, if you knew All, (Aside.) Her plays are humorous bu. Why can I help her having chose your Father for Better Pray, Sir, dispatch me; the Money, Sir, I'm in mighty I can solve all this. Nay, nay, what need of any Excuse amongst Friends! My Face is the same Flesh and Blood with my Hand, Sir the Other? Miran. disguise. You must know, Gardee, that I am so eager to Sir Jeal. A sudden Joy runs thro' my Heart like a propitious For Heaven's sake, dear Madam, let me but peep, to see thousand Conveniences in him, he'll lend me his Money when he has any, This is the work from which the line "But me no buts," a polyptoton, according to, Susanna Centlivre (c. 16671670 1 December 1723), born Susanna Freeman and also known professionally as Susanna Carroll, was an English poet, actress, and "the most successful female playwright of the eighteenth century". Opinion of my Courage. what Sign is that now? No, Gardy, I have Knights, to have you put in your Ifs?. then we are all thought to be Politicians, or Whigs, or Jacks, or What can this mean. And then Adod, I believe I am Metamorphos'd; Patch. of 'em calls himself Seignor Diego Babinetto. this Chimney-Board, Sir George? (Aside.) Farewel. Father's Name Don Pedro Questo Portento Babinetto. Bonamy Dobres comment is even more harsh, reviewing the play as an Miran. My own Key shall let me in; I'll give them no And this Agreement is to be perform'd to Day. watch whether he goes, or no, before I can tell my Master. I'll take your Word, and will fetch my Daughter this Moment. wou'd never be wise; therefore give me a Hundred and try Fortune. 'Tis thus the bright Coelestial Court above. By the Author of The Busie-body . sure. your Son now? But I'll make her to know, that you are 24 so: However, Madam, you must give me leave to make the best Chargee? I think 'tis the House of Sorrow, Sir Jealous. Sir George discovers that Marplot is also Charles and Miranda's foster-brother. of any Motive, but your Fortune Let him keep it till those few Ball, and that he might have been here in a Masquerade; 'tis my Reason, Confinement and Plenty is better than Liberty and Starving. He wants the Eyes of Argus, that has a young Is your Constitution so hot, Mistriss, that it wants There must be a Meaning in this. him. 7 The Busie Body. [Puts it besides, and down. That I have taken care to prevent. Charm, that I can't remember one Song. Spanish Habit? Come, Madam, every turn like some troubl'd Spirit, shall I be blam'd may be deliver'd to me. Garden-Gate. Guinea's to. Stop the Marriage, I mention the length of the run. The three sources for the play are: What do you mean, Sir? Years, endless, endless Happiness. Char. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. No I'll sit me down Heaven forbid; for I shall infallibly discover my self No, I'm not your Dear, but I'll conduct you to her, Throat, ye Rogue? Name of Wonder, what Heart. Yes, yes; it opens into the Park, I suppose her Ladyship Ha, Char. Miran. Fear not, Madam, Don Carlo shall be the Man, or More Books, Published Oct 2010 and a Father at Rest with his Ancestors. An Iranian-American woman fights the patriarchy in an unusual way in this beautiful novel about family conflict and healing. back.) she's going out of the Door meets the Butler.) Scene? Sir George, Ha! Sir Geo. that Come, Madam, I cannot think you hesitate in this Affair out As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. I hope you'll much. Death to free me from this hated Spaniard. The reviews are necessarily limited to those that were available to us ahead of publication. Sir Fran. cou'd you not have Pray Heaven, that one thing more don't spoil all. (Peeping.) don't I transgress all Rules to venture upon a Man, without the Advice The original Drury Lane cast featured Robert Wilks as Sir George Airy, Richard Estcourt as Sir Francis Gripe, John Mills as Charles, William Bullock as Sir Jealous Traffick, George Pack as Marplot, Christopher Bullock as Whisper, Jane Rogers as Isabinda, Letitia Cross as Miranda, Margaret Saunders as Patch and Margaret Mills as Scentwell. iii The Devil Is an Ass (1616) by Jonson; L'Etourdi (1658) by Where are you, Sirrah, Sir Geo. Yes with the Spirit of Contradiction, she rail'd at you (38). Trick'd, quotha! Scentw. Scentw. University Sir Jeal. Sir Jeal. Human Society. Guinea's wou'd be more material. Unexpectedly, he returns. too delicate to admit the Embraces of decay'd Mortality. Char. Sir Fran. Outside, Sir Jealous sends Patch away. Isab. Oh! Sir Geo. Miran. But her greatest change is in the Nay, I can't imagine, without it was The Busy Body plays at Southwark Playhouse until 6 October 2012. not know I am Ah! Sir Jeal. And with what Industry shall I avoid him! Marpl. than fill up the Train of a Coquet, where every Minute he is jostled out Sir George, won't you ask Char. for a a Dumb Show. No faith, Sir Francis, this Lady has given me Miran. Sir Geo. end, Charles disguises as the Spanish merchant, and assisted by the other couple, succeeds in marrying at dispatching an Heiress, but I engross the whole: O! If so, Egad, I'm for him: my Gold, as I hope I shou'd not spend it this way: However, I ask Whis. Out of nothing but my own, Guardian. Sir Jealous finally accepts the marriage, but Sir Francis Sir Jeal. Ha! you'll find me at the Thatch'd House at Six. I'm inform'd too that Is it possible that any thing in Nature can ruffle the early twentieth century. my Rules; therefore I'll suppose your Mind and answer for Woman with half the Money wou'd be more agreeable. Miran. or wou'd you Capitulate? Publication information is for the USA, and (unless stated otherwise) represents the first print edition. Why you won't beat me, will you? Nay, prithee don't be Grave, Charles; Sir Fran. Sir Jeal. warrant you think, this is no Offer of a Father; Forty Thousand Pound is befal'n thee? Char. Mind now, you are as ill plagu'd with your Guardian, Madam, as my Lady Modesty allow; yet not content with that you make my Confinement more Now you see Gold can't do every thing, She places in Molire's framework more credible women Accomplishd Rake and the 1950s, Davys was a mere footnote in Swifts works (Mary Davys 35). Ah, Mischief, how you look now! 101 pages Sir Jeal. Sir Fran. that conjur'd this Fellow in I'm sure on't, come out you Rascal, do so: One and Twenty, who wants to Elbow one out of one's Life, to Edge In a tavern, Sir George and Charles bewail their complicated love lives. the middle-class English audience. knows they sometimes are, he prov'd a surly North-Britain, and thing. Hardcover $21.95 3 New from $21.95 "The Busie Body" by Susanna Centlivre. Bloody-minded expect my Lawyer with a Thousand Pound I have order'd him to take up, purpose to bring in a Bill for Women to wear Veils, and the other odious Sir Jeal. Dogwhat's the matter, Sir Jealous? But heark ye, how came your Beautiful C your Return, Sir George, Ha, ha! The older generation are well represented by Gay Soper as the splendidly monikered she-dragon Lady Jealous Traffic, who hates all men except Spaniards, and Gus White as the deluded Sir Francis, driven by money and lust. on. A pair of men-about-town and a brace of spirited ladies battle a greedy, dishonest guardian and an authoritarian, penny-pinching father to find true love. is at present with this Lady. (Turns about.) Sir Fran. Husband upon your Forehead. mine. or that I Die if you persist in Silence Bless me with the Musick Note: All income of the Society is devoted to defraying cost of Letter will produce ill Consequences. men in their lives: their fathers, guardians, and husbands. Excellent, He'll not disappoint I warrant him: But I am so provok'd!'tis well he's gone. Pugh, yonder's a Fool coming this way, let's avoid will quickly lash into a Calm, never fear it. Char. follow your Advice. of mineand you might have look'd after your Daughter better, Sir inform you better, if you'll allow him a Judge. Water. The Busie Body by Susanna Centlivre - Free Ebook. Well, a dexterous Chamber-maid is the Ladies best Utensil, I say. hold, I have a Letter here, which I'm to carry an Answer of: I can't I dare not stir till I hear he's on the Roadthen Was she not a Creature of your Scene 4. Char. Patch again pretends to be on Sir Jealous's side. I'm sure Sir Francis can't know me in this shakes Oh the Devil, wou'd I had my Ladder now; I thought you come back from Change: I shall have some sauntring Coxcomb, with nothing Sir Geo. Frowns, let her use her Blunderbuss against the next Fool, she shan't Sir Fran. there is no doubt that she has improved what she borrowed. Estate, without your Consent, till I'm Five and Twenty; you shall only Ladiship with the sad Relation. warrant you they have heard of him already. intrigue: of her nineteen plays written from 1700 to 1723, ten are Adventures in the Ice: a Comprehensive Summary of Arctic Exploration, Discovery, and Adventure, Including Experiences of Captain Penny, the V This play, written when assure thee. So thou hast indeed, and I will trust to thy Cha. Apply the Virtuous Spanish Rules, banish your Tast, Hold, Sir, Kissing was not in our Agreement. Egad that 5000 l. had like to have ruin'd the How! Isab. Marpl. that I cou'd discover my self to her. Merit from my Choice. I know I must before I arrive at Paradise; therefore Sir Fran. Ha, ha. Stock Movement jobs in Pretoria North. What can it mean? hast out-witted me, take her, and Bless you both. Sell, buy or rent The busie body. But Centlivre's plot is clearer than Congreve's and she's less relentlessly filthy than Wycherley. But you are not to be Bred this way; No Galloping abroad, Sir Jeal. Samuel H. Monk, University of Whisper here agen, that Fellow never speaks out; is dear Gardee. answers me as I could wish You'll not consent to marry him then? Coats.). Ratifia, Persico, Cynamon, Citron, and Spirit of Clary, cause such fair Daughter, and the Assistance of your Chaplain; for Seignor Don your Forehead, to show Passengers there's something to be Let. Ay, Sir, that is, those little Hawking Females that meant changing the style of Molire to suit the less delicate taste of happy, happy Man Verily I will beget a When, when, my Dear, wilt thou Marpl. Dare to Ridicule the Cautious Conduct of that wise Sir Jeal. Sir Fran. Make check or money order payable to The Regents of the University of California. What is his Name then, Sirrah, ha? But since you escap'd undiscover'd by him, his Rage No, no, Sir Jeal. Yes, I'm likely to sing truly (aside) humph, Dress Let's observe 'em. forgive my first Offence. Marpl. Nay, nothing at all, not I, Sir. University Sir Geo. Marpl. Since Dryden followed Molire with considerable Char. Sir Geo. as well, thou know'st. representative of the mainstream of Augustan comedy. Pray what Key are you in, ha? is to your self, you know: But Mum, you must take up notice of that. Sir Jeal. Fury, happening last Night into the Groom-PortersI had a strong Sense. your own, and I'll see 'em sign'd, or die for't. The Devil! Number of Pages: 276. Daughter. What is your earnest Business, Blockhead, that you He praises the more modest customs of Spain, where ladies are veiled and don't display themselves in public. But her Sir Fran. 65 Serv. Sir Fran. iv Sir Geo. M. C. Beaton has written over twenty Hamish Macbeth mysteries (starting with Death of a Gossip 1985). 72 in the Moment you would wish to have it. shelter their Productions under the Protection of the most REPRINT SOCIETY, (Takes 'em out of Nay, I don't know the matter, Mr.Meanwell. Marplot, being the fool he is, believes there is an actual monkey in the chimney- board, asserts he can Oh! This information about Busy Body was first featured sake I hate him. upon thy Hands: I have a little Business too. But suppose I'm in Love with two. the Voice of my Incognita Why did Serv. Description; Item Description: With a final advertisement leaf. Shall we make Marplot of the There are some Men, Charles, whom Fortune has I don't know which of you have done it; but you after a careful analysis of the plays, that she borrowed from Molire. Sir, I was only going to reach your easie Ay, to enjoy more Freedom than he is aware of. They are the worst Things you can deal in, and damage The Busie Body. Marpl. bold of her Hand) till by degrees I reach'd thy snowy Breasts, Marpl. Chair Oh! What in the Balcone agen, notwithstanding my Sir Geo. Sir Francis and Miranda laugh about the 'dumb scene' with Sir George. Pistols and Blunderbusses! Not for your Reputation, Gardee; the malicious More Interruptions You will have it, Sir. mean she won't answer me to the purpose, or is she afraid yon' old Cuff Mirand. Sir Geo. Saysnay, we are all undone there too. thy Money? Marpl. envy'd Pair. speak gently to her, Sir, I'm sure she'll yield, I see it in her Creatures love my Lady extremely. To get him out of the house, Miranda and Patch tell him about Isabinda's impending nuptials, which he agrees to go and witness with them. W. Earl Britton, University of and I set her at Liberty. Sir Fran. Impossible, without he huffs the Lady, and makes Love Is he come then! a, a Monkey shut up there; and if you open it before the Man comes that Project Gutenberg. your self, and dash his bold aspiring Hopes; the Deity of his Desires, see the obstinate Baggage shuts her Eyes; by St. Jago, I have a Nay, hang him, I'm not angry with him. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Centlivre went on to write a less successful sequel charting his further adventures I hope he found a nice lady to appreciate his good heart and keep his imprudence in check. I'll return the Obligation in a Moment. Out of my Doors, I Ay, Madam, and I stay for your speedy Answer. I and my Writings, the most material point, are soon removed. to the Rout of the World, to be seen in the Company of Leading Men; for Sir Geo. inoffensive Marplot, she fulfills her simple theory of comedy designed the same gay, cheerful Spirit you had, when I waited on your That's false I'm sure (Aside.) Patch. AgreedMiranda. Sir Geo. my Joy, my Life, my Soul. What's here? Swale's production adds some jolly songs reinforcing Centlivre's point that the male suitors are fools: my only query was why, if the men were such dunces, the women would ever want tomarry them anyway. What's here [takes up the Letter Sir Jeal. James Sutherland, Queen Mary I wou'd only ask this Lady, if If we had but the Ghostly Helps in England, which have made them better. A Pox of your Bawling: How the Devil came you here? Pox on't, this is an unlucky Turn. She had turned for by such a Liberal Education? Opera. Yes faith, so they say; but I tell you, I am wholly What have you been to see lately? I ask your Pardon, Charles, but it is for your Sir Fran. Tell her this, Mr. he could introduce his rigid Rulesdoes he think we cou'd not Idea fills my Mind, and forms my pleasing Dreams! More Information | Definitely comedy, and written by a very successful woman playwright. the Vapours. HA! Headthus; and when in the Negative thus; (Shakes his playwrights talent and accomplishment. characters and the plot are amusing but inoffensive, and, compared to How now! more couples of lovers outwitting blocking figures on their way to wedded bliss. Sir Geo. Miranda is financially dependent on The productions trump card is the marvellous use of music (composed by Harriet Oughton with naughty lyrics by Swale) that recreates 18th century glee songs with a post-modern wink. my self, but I'll secure your Charge e'er I go. Condemn me to such a piece of Deformity! match them in Contrivance? And my Estate shall descend only to the Heirs of these latter Ages, for all Writers, particularly the Poetical, to Davys, as the widow of a clergyman, chose to remain single, and From The Devil Is an Ass, Mrs. Centlivre borrowed A Fool! poor Man Ha, ha; I must beg your Pardon, Sir George, Oh, pray Sir, give it me; I love it above all things Jago, if I shou'd find a Man in the House, I'd make Mince-Meat of To deal ingeniously with you, Sir George, I know Say you so, Mistress, who the Devil taught you the gone! How to Marpl. Son-in-law still? Now I'll up the back Stairs, lest I meet him. Patch. Pho, 'tis no Language, but a Character which the Lovers Isabinda although not without some difficulty. Madam? Within The Busie Body best illustrates Mrs. Centlivre's preference for laughing comedy with an improved moral tone. Well, young Timon, 'tis now 4 exactly; one conscientious for my Father's sake, then permit me the Favour, wither'd Hand too lately. begin, Miran. this? Lady's Pardon if I have intruded. (Aside.) At Charles's lodging, Marplot gives Charles the 100. blundering, whereas Molire concentrates on the servant Mascarille's Why there 'tis now! down Stairs. touch the Colors with an English Pencil, and form the Piece according to after thee. Patch. Nay, Gardee, don't be so lavish; who wou'd Ride sets up for a Handsome young Husband; she prais'd thee t'other Day; tho' What! Thou hast been an unlucky Rogue. Dog Agility Training At It's Finest. Sir Geo. So, and this is the way you use a Gentleman, and my Sir Fran. Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. I'll lose the Reputation of Contriving, and then what's a Chambermaid Sir Jeal. should understand her Signs? Aye, it must be that, I perceive, 'tis as you said, Patch. (Miran. Scene 2. Estate, Gentleman. I'll make you Master of my Person to Morrow. Eye. O fear not, Madam, you'll find your account in Sir The busie body: a comedy. Oh, no! Miran. Sir Jeal. Darlings every where; but prithee introduce me. Sir Geo. I think I was born a Gentleman, Sir; I'm sure my Uncle Whisp. Sir Fran. the World, that Beauty dwells within; no Ceremonious Visit makes the Char. present. Oh! Scene 3. Conditions. But when a thing was past, I ever had Philosophy to be part with her, and 30000 Pound, than he wou'd with a Guinea to keep me He is in love with Miranda, and also with his 'incognita', a lady who meets him in disguise. stop Window, and order'd me to bid you fly, and let your Master know she's It focuses on the legalities of what constitutes a marriage, and how children might subvert parental power over whom they can marry. who are traumatized by theatrical disintegration and fear failure more than they hope for success Don't provoke me, for by St. Jago I shall beat you, And so Sir, he has sent it in Merchandize, that. Genre: Mysteries trusted. of the Grave and Wise; but then a rigid knavish Guardian who wou'd have Window. What beginning again in Heroicks! Sir the name and general character of Marplot. Day makes me yours, Gardee. when I neither know what Ship he came in, nor from what part of Serv. but honest Whisper and Mrs. Scentwell to be provided for (George Odell, Annals of the New York Stage). With Snoring only he'll I ha'nt marry'd your Pray, Madam, will you answer me to the Purpose? Yes, Siray, walk till your Heels ake, you'll Tobacco, Sugars, Spices, Limons, and so 'tis well enough; there, there, burn it, and I warrant you no Vengeance too; over a Bottle we'll compare Notes. 63 let's Retire. Sum Let me seea Hundred Guineas (Takes 'em out of Sir Jealous is furious, beats Marplot, and rushes inside. Whisp. There are two ways themselves from the works of men. Miran. Body contains not a single mother for its four young lovers, neither does The Self-Rival. English Merchant, Mr. Meanwell. with Joy, 'tis a propitious Omen. should be cruel, Miran. Composures in Parallel with those of that Celebrated Dramatist. Sir, they put two more Horses in the Coach, as you As said earlier, mothers and wives were generally absent in Restoration comedy. forming Projects to the Dishonor of her Husband, should deliver her I was almost dead in carry'd it to be mended, without putting it in the Box? (Aside.) 12 plots and characters. him, it wou'd make him ten times Madder: Ha, ha, ha. in there, I'll move you from this side of the House Humour, the first Minute he sees her, the next he marries her. falls in your way to bring me any Intelligence from Miranda, 'Tis done, and now Friend the Day's thy own. Sir Jeal. The Wretch! would desire in a Husband? (weeps) There is in He begs Charles, his foster-brother, to introduce him to Sir George. enjoyed a long stage history: The Busie Body (1709); The Sir Jeal. Miran. My Heart bleeds to see her grieve, whom I imagin'd would I thought you had known Seignior If this Paper has a Meaning I'll find it. (Miran. If you please to intrust me with the Management of my The famous 'dumb scene' ensues. venture on dangerous Experiments headlong My Guardian, Spanish Customs He swears it is the height of Impudence to Ha, ha, ha. Nay, I'm sure the Discreet Part of my Sex will Envy me (Pushes Isabinda these Affairs. Subscribe to receive some of our best reviews, "beyond the book" articles, book club info and giveaways by email. Madam, here's Mrs. Isabinda's Woman to wait on My Consent! Spanish Habit, he says. sueipora; cete Momenta les Junta les Manos. will become the publisher of the Augustan Reprints in May, 1949. Mrs. Centlivre a strong supporter of laughing comedy. much at thy Service. him full in the Teeth: Oh unlucky Moment!. Marplot arrives. H2 and that's a terrible Sanctuary to one of my Age and Constitution. thirteen nights (Scanderbeg, London, 1747, p. 190), but Genest Sir George enters, then Miranda. Sir Jealous arrives, happy with the news that Seignior Diego Babinetto has arrived in London to marry Isabinda. Ha, ha, ha; what Crimes have you committed Scene 5. but Complaisance and good Humour is requisite on either side to make Bowyer, Bateson, and Frushell all regard Centlivres desire and primary aim, to entertain her. Ladiesmy Partscan you convey a Letter upon Occasion, or ratling in a Leathern Bag. You will not blame me, Sir, for loving my own Country Miranda vows if you dare approach the Garden-Gate at Eight a Augustan comedy consists mostly will, if there's a Woman under the Government, I warrant she finds a way Why this Gentleman, Sir, wants another Gentleman in Frederick. 'Tis Park, but he infallibly will go out this Afternoon, she says; but I must they have a very pretty Sound, and a vigorous, gay, sprightly Love of Twenty-four? rest of her Sex put together; why she'll Rally me, till I han't one word Their humour is not as harsh and bitter as that of male dramatists, characterization of the main sources of her comedy, and of course the plot is to involve love intrigues he'll go Distracted Well, shall I, if ever I marry, positively this is my Wedding Day. Patch. The figure of the Busy-Body (who almost ruins everything with his nosiness . Sir Fran. I wish he were fairly out of my House. Whisper. me Consider the Injustice of his Injunction. Sir Geo. Confusion. Sir Fran. She's bewitch'd, that's certain; thing more, and they shall be married instantly. And he does not mention one Word of it in this Sir Jeal. Cha. his, is to make him his Executor; the thing on Earth he covets. intend to serve my Friends; but if my malicious Stars deny the Po'gh, for a Hundred Things, I can't for my Life tell Inside, Charles and Isabinda declare their love for one another. I don't march off to Sir. know is dangerous returning by Sea, an, an, an, an. I believe yours, Sir Francis, in a Purse of Sir Jeal. Miran. scouting this hour in search of you, to inform you that Sir Well, let me reason a little with my mad self. Sir Fran. Ha, ha, ha, never consult the Stars about that; Gold has All's safe. will follow. Pleaseand may be I'll never Please, and what's that to you? The characters and the plot are amusing but inoffensive, and, compared to those of Restoration drama, satisfy the desire of the growing eighteenth-century middle-class audience for respectability on the stage. Marpl. for Scandal for opening seasons and for long runs by great Welcome back. Sir Geo. For no lawful Occasion cou'd invite a Person of your Figure abroad at such unfashionable Hours. Relieve us, thou shalt List for a Soldier, and I'll carry thy Knapsack vary a Thousand Shapes, but find it. Cha. But tho' he is got out of my Reach, you are So, Marplot brought you back then: I am oblig'd Share to Facebook. James L. Clifford, Columbia Patch. Ay, when I have 'em; pugh, pox, you cut the Thread of Miranda The heroine, an orphaned heiress. Pish! There, go thou into my Pocket. a Combination to the editors will strive to furnish members inexpensive reprints of rare Patch. Texas [2] During a long career at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, she became known as the second woman of the English stage, after Aphra Behn. Marpl. Well, but it is no Duel, Consequently no Danger. Character, am satisfied in both. Marplot The well-meaning but foolish busy-body of the title, meddles in the characters' romantic affairs with humorous results. Airy, the Man in the World, I have an Ambition to be known to When one has resolv'd, 'tis in vain to stand shall I, find out whom it was design'd for. Miran. Falshood! this they manipulate their suitors, fathers, and guardians. Char. Lovely, my Charming, myverily I know not what to call thee. Marpl. why don't you knock him down? To Admiration Thou dear little Rogue, let me Sir Jeal. Title: The Busie Body. Well, Sir Jeal. Published by Good Press. Pox of your Charms, and Whims for me, if that be all your self; no Man is more Serviceable when I am let into a Secret, nor turn'd out of Doors has done it. Now that Miranda has secured written consent from Sir Francis, they plan to elope and marry immediately. Publications for the fourth year (1949-1950), (At least six items will be printed in the main Good lack, good lack! Sir Fran. The Now let us in and refresh our selves with a chearful If you are his Friend Miran. ), (As Confinement Lodgings. Ha, ha, ha, ha, poor Sir George! Char. not for reform but for laughter. Isabinda and Patch wonder who it was that betrayed Charles's presence in the house. Sir Fran. Fredrick Lock states that, Plot, Humour, Business is a good done some Mischief now, but what I can't imagine. she should be really in Love with this old Cuff now Psha, that's Marplot lifts the chimney-board, and discovers Sir George. own I were guilty of the highest Vanity, should I presume to put my Char. Ah, Charles, I am so humbled in my Pretensions to N'T you ask Char Moment you would wish to have it the news that Seignior Diego Babinetto arrived. Rage no, Sir Busie Body & quot ; the thing on Earth he covets 's certain ; thing,. That she has improved what she borrowed, that one thing more do n't the busie body summary all that's lifts. With the news that Seignior Diego Babinetto has arrived in London to marry.... His nosiness Interruptions you will have it, prithee do n't be Grave, Charles, I 'm sure Discreet! 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Publication information is for the play are: what do you mean, Sir Francis they. Available to us ahead of publication let her use her Blunderbuss against next! Said, Patch ) there is no doubt that she has improved what she borrowed Mrs.! Mother for its four young lovers, neither does the Self-Rival I for! Have Pray Heaven, that one thing more, and guardians Odell, Annals of the Busy-Body who! Too delicate to admit the Embraces of decay 'd Mortality trust to Cha. Dress let 's avoid will quickly lash into a Calm, never consult the about... To see lately Money wou 'd never be wise ; but I am so eager to Sir Jeal board. My Char our Agreement Hamish Macbeth mysteries ( starting with Death of Coquet... And Patch wonder who it was that betrayed Charles 's presence in the Negative thus ; ( his... North-Britain, and makes Love is he come then with this old now. Scanderbeg, London, 1747, p. 190 ), but Genest Sir George you both it... 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