Explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Which of the following statements regarding unemployment is true? Someone who quits a part-time job to attend school full-time. It is always at zero percent. a. ii. b. A recession not always lead to an increase of unemployment rate, indeed this rate may drop during such economic distress. Which of the following statements correctly describe discouraged workers? c) unemployment caused by economic downturns. b. Full employment is natural unemployment minus 100%. D. when workers stop looking, Cyclical unemployment is: a) unemployment caused by time delays in matching available jobs and workers. d. unemployed. Is the correlation between unemployment and inflation true in the current economy? There is no cyclical unemployment in the economy. b. B. many people who claim to be unemployed actually work in the underground e. Complete the following sentence. The causes of unemployment are. A change in production capacity A change in income A change in quantity A major shift in supply. Select one: a. b) They have not looked for a job in 6 weeks, but they w, Which of the following is true? a) To be officially unemployed, a person has to be in the labor force. a) The federal government passes some of its revenues to state and local governments b) Property taxes are are not a part of the state and local governments revenues c) Sales tax is not a part of state and local governments revenues d) Corporate taxes are a relatively small part of the state and local governments revenues. D. cyclical unemployment is greater than, If the actual unemployment rate is less than the natural unemployment rate: a. a recessionary gap exists and wages are likely to rise. Which of the following statements about the employment-at-will doctrine is TRUE? (a) According to Statistics SA the unemployment rate for the first quarter of 2014 was 25.2%. A. b. (a) Slow growth. A. An unemployment rate of greater than 8 percent is good because prices will fall. 1. A. Frictional unemployment is due to changes in the economy. c) A person who is working part-time but would like to be workin. b. the leading economic indicators are unchanged for two consecutive quarters. c.Separate property acquired before marriage becomes community property after marriage in . c. the frictional unemployment rate. B. structural unemployment is zero. The actual unemployment rate can never be at the natural rate. The unemployment rate in 2009 was higher than it was in 2006. b. b) Unemployment. )contractionary monetary policy; left b.)contractionary. What is the difference between being unemployed and being out of the labor force? The minimum wage is good because it raises wages for the working poor. c. A monopsony is the only employer of a factor. Which of the following would be considered unemployed, according to our official statistics? higher unemployment during a recession. Select one: a. c. Unemployment insurance increases the amount of. The unemployment rate in the United States was 8.1 percent in August 2012. b. however, now we learned that everything is gone. a. b. There must be involuntary unemployment in an efficiency wage equilibrium. It is difficult to predict because it involves all kinds of workers. Government policies to help promote a stagnant economy c. Providing tax, Determine whether the following statement is positive or normative: "The current unemployment rate would be lower if we did not pay unemployment benefits. Which of the following statements regarding cyclical unemployment are not true? Full employment is natural unemployment minus 100%. True or False: This economy is currently at its natural rate of unemployment. c. Someone who gives up looking for a job. b. Choose one or more: A. the economy enters a recession B. a new company hires 1,000 college graduates C. unemployment benefits are reduced from 26 weeks to 20 weeks D. advances in techno, Which of the following is not consistent with full employment? Either way, we want to make sure this statement wont have the risk to get us sued for . C. Retired workers. c. Investment in human capital is expected to increase the demand for those, Which of the following is a result of unemployment that is very low? c. The natural rate of unemployment, Identify the false statement(s). c) They are employed workers who. Explain. Which of the following statements is false? A. They are financed with tax, Which of the following is NOT true about economics? a. b) In general, nations with higher labor market rigidity have higher rates of long term unemployment. 20. d. any, Natural unemployment is equal to which of the following? The doctrine helps raise labor hiring and firing costs, leading to lower unemployment rates. Minimum wages are the predominant reason for unemployment in the U.S. economy. Unemployment/Full Employment - Frictional / Structural / Cyclical. c. frictional unemployment will be zero. The actual unemployment rate is equal to the natural rate of unemployment. B. b. the leading economic indicators are unchanged for two consecutive quarters. B. unemployment caused by changes in the industrial makeup of an economy. The earnings test does not apply to dividends, interest, and rental income. A) Natural unemployment + Cyclical unemployment. Define employed, unemployed and the labor force. Calculations of the official unemployment rate exclude: A) labor force. d. all of the above, The economy is fully employed when there is no: a. seasonal unemployment b. frictional unemployment c. structural unemployment d. cyclical unemployment. This is known as __________ and will cause AD to shift to the __________. An increase in the minimum wage has no effect on the well-being of middle-class families. a. d. structural unemployment. Employment insurance compensation encourages longer job searches, which may lead to a bett, Which of the following statements best describes the "jobless recovery" after the Great Recession. c. People who are underemployed. Someone who has lost her job in the last week. The price of oil should be increased because burning it, Which of the following is not true when there is an inflationary gap? A decrease in the market clearing wage c. Surplus labor, or unemployment, Which of the following statements correctly describes European labor markets? C. There is no less than 100% of the workforce employed. a. The unemployment rate is measured by dividing the number of unemployed persons by the number of people working. |Official unemployment rate|Total percentage of the labor, Which of the following unemployment rates can be negative? It is difficult to predict because it involves all kinds of workers. c. discouraged unemployment. The actual unemployment rate can never be above the natural rate. When a dynamic labor market is operating efficiently, mostly cyclical unemployment will be present. a) "The actual rate of unemployment is below the NAIRU", b) "Actual GDP is higher than potential GDP", c) "The natural rate of unemployment is higher than the actual rate of unemployment". a. c. It is decided upon by the federal government. Employment at will is a legal term in the area of labor law. b) economy is considered to be at full employment. Cyclical Unemployment C. Frictional Unemployment D. All are included in the natural rate of unemployment. The minimum wage creates unemployment among young and unskilled workers. B. A. The incidence of the subsidy on the consumer will decrease. Structural unemployment c. Cyclical unemployment d. Seasonal unemployment e. Voluntary unemplo. 1. B. A. The unemployment rate fell for the fourth straight month, reflecting the effects from stronger b. d) All of the above. b. a person cannot get a job but is willing to work and is actively seeking work. People who work at least one hour per week. The natural unemployment rate b. II. C. A part-time worker. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The unemployment rate is measured by dividing the number of unemployed persons by the number of people working. It is possible to eliminate natural unemployment. b. Suppose the natural rate of unemployment is 6% and the current rate of unemployment is 10%, the cyclical unemployment rate is a. b) A person who is not working is officially unemployed. Cyclical unemployment increases. a. Students and those who are retired aren't looking for a job Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Which statement below is true of price floors? * They are full-time workers who would like to work part-time *They are counted as part of the labor for, 91. Economics is a social. B. B. structural unemployment. B. awarding subsidies awarding large business contracts enacting regulations changing the tax rate, Which of the following couldcause a shift in the demand curve? Which of the following groups is not counted as unemployed in the official unemployment statistics? It is reflected in the GDP gap. c. frictional unemployment. c. a recessionary gap exists and wages are likely to fall. Which of the following statements are true regarding unemployment? Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! It is always at zero percent.b. b) Unemployed: out of work looking for a job. d) Underemployed worked being counted a unemployed. (d) How wages are determined in labor, Which one of the following is a normative economic statement? II) Employers may respond by buying more machine, Which of the following is not a wage or employment strategy that a union would follow? c. structural unemployment is zero. b. the natural unemployment rate. C. It is positive in recessions and negative in economic booms. b. C. A person who is working part-time but would like to be work, Which of the following statements is true? d) A person who is retired and not looking for a job is still considered unemployed. a. C. rate of cyclically unemployed. What sorts of events can knock an economy, Which of the following is a statement of positive economics? Which of the following is true? Which of the following statements about full employment is correct? Natural rate of unemployment B. Explain the statement using the relationship between the natural unemployment rate and frictional, cyclical and structural unemployment. 4. Cyclical Unemployment C. Frictional Unemployment D. All are included in the natural rate of unemployment. With the exception of during recessions, workers in Canada are eligible for unemployment benefits for about twice as long a period of time as workers in the United States. B. C. The informal sector compris, Which of the following statements is false? A. ", Which of the following is an example of an active labor market policy? Some unemployment will be present even when a dynamic labor ma. I. a) Fricti. The few people who are unemployed stop looking for jobs. c. the structural unemployment rate. The percentage of adults who are in the labor force and thus seeking jobs, but wh, Which of the following statements about frictional unemployment is true? c. A retired school teaching collecting social security benefits. A. The few people who are unemployed stop looking for jobs. C. A part-time worker. B. [1] b [2] a. a. This figure includes people who are no longer actively looking for work. Structural Unemployment B. b. a. D. There is no cyclical unempl, If cyclical unemployment is eliminated in the economy, then A. the economy is considered to be at full employment. Give an example for Frictional, seasonal, structural, and cyclical unemployment. b The marketing funnel considers the seller's journey. (b) South Africa has a serious unemplo. a) In general, nations with higher labor market rigidity have greater inflation. People who lost their jobs during the recession experienced cyclical unemployment. B. D. It is the amount of unemployment in the economy, adjusted for the effects of inflation. C. GDP i. A) An unemployment rate of 5 percent or 6 percent B) Seasonal unemployment C) Structural unemployment D) Cyclical unemployment E) Frictional unemployment, Suppose the wage on the vertical axis refers to the real wage. An increase in the minimum wage enhances the well-being of all unskilled workers. a. Interviewing a wide variety of candidates to ensure a diverse workforce b. Suppose an economy has 13,800 people employed and 1,200 unemployed but looking for work. Retail sales measure the current outlook for the economy. b. Which of the following is not included in the natural rate of unemployment? The actual unemployment rate can never be above the natural rate. Which of the following statements is true? B. Which of the following is not predicted by the technology shock driven real business cycle (RBC) theory? b. What is the difference between a person who is frictionally unemployed and one who is structurally unemployed? c. cyclical unemployment. A teenage worker is more likely to be unemployed than an older worker. a) raising unemployment benefits. The labor supply curve is downward sloping. During a recession, cyclical unemployment will be low. A discouraged worker is counted as an unemployed worker. d) There must be involuntary unemployment in an efficiency wage equilibrium. Unions reduce the demand for labor in certain industries by making workers too productive. E. It ar, When the rate of cyclical unemployment is zero, the: a) natural rate of unemployment must also be zero. Each state gets the same Unemployment Insurance budget from the federal government. d. structural unemployment. A) Firms usually tend to lay off workers than cut wages to reduce costs. Unemployment closely tied to the business cycle, e.g. -Unemployment figures that estimate the number of unemployed are prepared by the U.S. Department of Labor. If 1,000 people lose their jobs and immediately begin looking for work, what is the new u. c. The minimum wage reduces the number of jobs for less skilled workers. d. cyclical unemployment. a. The unemployment rate is equal to 0%. Which of the following statements is true? c. It is always present, even in a healthy economy. A. Many women quit their jobs to raise their kids. d) Labor force: the number of employed plus the unemployed. C. Labor market outcomes are not affected by s, Which of the following statements is false? d. frictional, The economy is considered to be at full employment when: a. the actual rate of unemployment is less than the natural rate. The following table shows data on frictional, cyclical, and total unemployment for an economy. A. B. a. Mark all that apply. Which of the following are true of state and local revenues? B. b) unemployment caused by changes in the industrial makeup of an economy. b. seasonal unemployment. Which of the following statements about unemployment is true? B. It is possible to eliminate natural unemployment. Suppose the government wants to reduce this type of unemployment. Which of the following statements is false? The actual unemployment rate can never be above the natural rate. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. d. Un. The only way a recession can occur, Which of the following statements is true about the natural rate of unemployment? C. Advoc, Which of the following do unions not cause? Select all that apply. b.Married couples in community property states filing joint tax returns allocate their income per their state community property laws. 37,194,541. b) A person who is not working is officially unemployed. B. "Full employment" is said to exist when the unemployment rate equals a. zero. a. Frictional unemployment implies a lack of available jobs. Which one of the four statements below is not like the others? A) For the U.S., union workers earn about 15% more than non-union workers doing the same work. C. The unemployment rate is 0%. D. None. Check all that apply. Which graph below shows what will happen to Cecilia's demand for designershoes if she usually buys several pairs each year, but this year she lost her job? Which of the following is true of seasonal unemployment? The term "unemployment rate" in economics refers to: It is significant because: The unemployment rate in the U.S. right now is: How has the unemployment rate changed over the last decade? There is no cyclical unemployment in the economy. b. 3. It reflects unemployment when an economy is in "full employment". According to the strict definition of unemployment, a person who did not actively seek, Which of the following causes the unemployment rate to understate the true extent of joblessness? b. B. Workers laid off as a result of a recession suffer A. frictional unemployment. Which part of the business cycle below corresponds with growth in the economy? Which of the following statements about full employment is correct? C) Frictional unemploymen. The unemployment rate as fallen by 1 percentage point c. The rate of the increase in unemployment has decr, As an economy enters a deep recession, most of the changes in the unemployment rate are associated with which type of unemployment? b. b. the cyclical unemployment rate. a. When a firm sacks a worker against her wishes but she can get another job immediately, there is involuntary unemployment. b. a. Unemployment caused by the fluctuation of the business cycle is called . unemployment. a. c) Cyclical unemployment. C. It is decided upon by the federal government. The supply curve of labor shifts when the prevailing wage rate changes. The unemployment rate is equal to the natural rate of unemployment. b) It occurs only during a recession. D. Someone who has, Which of the following would be considered unemployed, according to official statistics? Define unemployment. Which of the following is not true when there is an inflationary gap? C. The unemployment rate is equal to the cyclical rate of unemployment. a. fluctuations of unemployment around its natural rate b. the experience with unemployment of a typical worker over his or her life cycle c. long-term trends in unemployment d. A and B e. None of the above, It is very common to see the unemployment rate actually increase as the economy begins to recover (i.e., after the trough). C. The actual unemployment rate is greater than th, During recessions, the official unemployment rate may not adequately reflect the true state of the official unemployment rate and percentage of unemployed, underemployed, and discouraged workers. Which of the following statements about the employment-at-will doctrine is TRUE? Select one a. Employment insurance compensation increases the opportunity cost of being. D. equals cyclical and actual rates of unemployment. If unemployment insurance was so generous that it paid unemployed workers 90% of their regular salary: A. the official unemployment rate would probably understate true unemployment. B) Firms tend to decrease wages in periods of contracting economic activity to boost labor productivity. Fill in the blanks: (Employment and Unemployment) Discouraged workers are _ as unemployed. d. Which of the following is not correct? All of these b. cyclical unemployment c. seasonal unemployment d. frictional unemployment. A. b. D. There is only structural unemployment in the economy. a. cyclical b. structural c. frictional d. recession-related, The natural unemployment rate equals the sum of A) cyclical and frictional unemployment. Unions are always more efficient than firms at discerning which workers are highly, Which of the following can cause the real wage rate to be set above the equilibrium full-employment level? Which of the following statements about seasonal unemployment is TRUE? Which of the following statements regarding Unemployment Insurance is true? The unemployment rate is equal to 0%. d. Companies stop lookin, Which of the following groups of people are counted as unemployed? b. a) Employed: currently working for pay. Then we would know that NAIRU is what, and the actual unemployment rate is what? The unemployment rate has fallen by 1% b. Which of the following statements is true regarding the natural unemployment rate? a) It occurs even when an economy is producing at a point on its production possibilities frontier. Cyclical unemployment is 5% or less. CONCEPT Major Social Issues in the Early 21st Century Report an issue with this question 7 Choose the true statement about the consequences of Vietnamization. a. The unemployment rate may overestimate the true extent of unemployment if: A. many part-time employees would like to work full-time but are unable to get the additional work. 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