This is nothing short of anti semitism at its ugly form of Christianity think twice of your hate filled speech, hitler did all he could in the name of Christianity, the catholic church caused great division amongst the true brethren in the name of Christianity. Have heaven and earth passed away yet? Sean, what do you think of this teaching? In other words ..our enemies are in dire need of grace and only those who know grace and love ..those who have been born again , can demonstrate it . 119 desires others to focus more on what is being said and testing it to the Word, versus the source. You make so many points well, logically. We also need to be careful when we make sweeping statements implying that all people involved are wrong. When we know the truth (according to the Word of God, not according to men), we will realize that there is nothing complicated, there is nothing confusing. Strange he didnt pick this moment to say: Keep all the commandments that Moses gave you. We believers should want nothing more than to love Yahweh and our brethren according to His desires, nothing more and nothing less. Its not the same old Laws; its something NEW. Im not going to follow all of your red herrings. california driving laws for minors; princeton park chicago crime rate The Catholic Church changed His laws and His statutes. There is a way that seems right unto man and that way leads to death . The one party New Covenant was established by Jesus blood. Im afraid that youll have to wait for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb for that silver or gold platter that youve been waiting for to materialize. I do not follow the dangerous teachings of Judaism either or the blasphemous teachings of the Talmud. May 24, 2022. Nevertheless, each of us test everything for ourselves. Early rabbis created rules of postponement to manage the conflict caused by the mixed, lunar vs. solar calendars. On their Facebook page, they publish photos or paintings that have messages on them and most of them are devoid of love and have a sarcastic edge to them. The stuff in the Torah just lays out examples of what to do in different situations. 31 The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. He teaches in multiple places that wives are to submit to their husbands. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight. There does however remain there can be only one interpretation. I am too busy nor do I have the money for expensive shofar s and no time for festivals people here are dead eternally and overseas people are hungry both spiritually and physically. However, if the Hebrew Roots Movement is truly from God, neither you nor anyone else will be able to stop it. Nobody is forcing them to do these things. Always has been, always will be. 4 Did you suffer so many things in vainif indeed it was in vain? The question is are we going to continue in sin when we become a believer? The passage you quoted about Jesus only coming for the lost sheep of Israel is out of context. Lets face it in all forms of modern Christianity there are those that want to control others in one way or the other. If you could provide some of your few largest disconnects, Id love to hear them. I believe Jesus did in fact come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, now it is upon us to be diligent in understanding what this is. He confidently told me the money was in the bank, and I should call the bank to verify if I wanted. If you change the established rules, say, remove a load bearing wall because well its your house now and you are free to change what you want the house comes crashing down in a storm or snow load or just sitting there in short change the rules reap the curses have fun with that I will choose to live by the way the builder built the house. Ive run out of time and so am unable to address other points made. Once you have learned to obey the law of love, look into these other matters again with hearts willing to see truth and with prayer for wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Naturally me and that child have a closer relationship because they show their love by showing their obedience. 1. of matters of duty: to perform, execute -Matthew 10:18 Simplest example being the parable of the mustard seed had NOTHING to do with size but rather the character of it being able to survive and grow through the worst of (soil) conditions because mustard seed is an invasive weed in Israel. Everything in the bible is true. It is hard for me not to begin exploring when I see that the only scripture NT writers had to reference was the OT. There are different laws mentioned throughout scripture and taken out of context in many verses. IF you can separate yourself from a denominational dogma long enough to realize this is about A person separating THEMSELF (holiness) for a purpose. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Money he collected was not for him but the collection was for those in need! Apparently, many Christians have not completely comprehended the gravity of violating the Torah commandments that can still be followed, even in the absence of the Temple in Jerusalem and the Sanhedrin (the one truly led by the Holy Spirit). I am okay with practicing Hanukkah and Purim, but they cant have it both ways, I now attend a Messianic Jewish congregation. Nevertheless, I am comforted that God enjoys His ecclesia recognizing a weekly time of rest and worship. 12 But to as many as did receive him, to those who put their trust in his person and power, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 not because of bloodline, physical impulse or human intention, but because of God. Could it be that we are grafted into Israel as Romans 11 states? Here it says he brings both groups together into one NEW man. Its a very thorough examination of Scripture, context and translation. go look at the Septuagint in the Greek and you will see that where Israel is mentioned it is the SAME word used there in Greek in the Septuagint as was used in the Greek NT and MIStranslated into church. I am not positive, but I believe 119 Ministries falls more along the lines of when Jesus said, I came not to bring peace but a sword in Matt. .. for until this very day at the READING of the old obsolete covenant the same veil remains unlifted as it is removed in Christ. With this in mind, we now have to examine how other people are doing this. Its not Jesus + the Law that makes God great. a network of Satan-worshiping cults Understanding Gods law requires understanding Gods covenant under which His law was given. 2. to carry through to the end, to accomplish, carry out, (some undertaking) matthew jones mock draft 2022. The fact is, thanks to Jesus, those who trust in Him for their salvation are grafted INTO the Commonwealth of Israel (again, see Pauls explanation in Romans 11) and as Israel, we should be following what God outlined FOR Israel. and the life was the light of mankind. Our purpose is to seek and bring the truth to all nations, unlearn false doctrines and traditions of men, and to equip the body to live and practice the Word as God originally intended.We find that continuously examining the Scriptures (in the same Hebraic first century context and perspective in which they were written and understood) reveals to His people much more understanding, as opposed to the more common Greek mindset that is a couple thousand years removed. Oh BTW Im not defending 119 or any other ministry, teacher, prophet or blogger as we are to make sure that was is taught conforms to the whole counsel of God. To him be the glory, both now and forever! In fact, it is their second of five Core Values (Foundational) as taken directly off their website: We believe that we are to teach all nations to obey the Torah (Law of God). In other teaching, 119 Ministries states the law of God = the law of Moses. The difference is between using my own logic to disagree vs. using Scripture to show your faults in your biblical understanding. When we look at the OT we see this IS the case. Put them to the test- i did and what a journey. Note: has no relations with 119 Ministries, But enjoys sharing the word. Well then we searched the scriptures, OT, NT and the prophets that spoke what God told them, we see the sabbath & His feasts throughout all times imagine that. First is the blueprints. I have corrected some things they have posted and have seen them change their position on certain things presented. And in the whole discourse of John 14 where Jesus is talking about He & the Father being one, Jesus never once mentions obeying Torah. Tagged: 119 ministries, hebrew roots, hebrew roots cult, hebrew roots movement, hrm, jim staley, michael rood, torah observance, torah observant . Be careful of spiritual pride . Sounds more like the Pope and the Catholic church to me (having been there half my life before studying Scripture.). Folks, wake up, this is Roman Catholic doctrine! Which ever day belongs to Christ ..I think they all belong to Him but you may observe only one day ..Our brother Paul allows for that .. ( And the world hit the 1 billion dollar mark on Easter this year . ) The one problem I have with the blog author besides what I highlighted here, is that for the author to prove their point, you MUST take scripture out of context, you must add to or take away from scripture. So its tedious to go through their writings & pull out the errors. 4 In him was life, Anyone not in one of the houses would also have a place in the house by binding themselves to HIM, in this way they become a sojourner. Then they dont always have a full understanding of what the scriptures say? Are you saying that the Levitical priests and system of sacrifice is no longer applicable? Thats just what I interpreted from your post. (LogOut/ The Catholic Church martyred those who disagreed with their doctrine. Servant of the Lord, Frank. Testing everything is what the Church should be espousing, after all. florida sea level rise map 2030 8; lee hendrie footballer wife 1; Id also like to use some of your material here in a student chapel Im doing at my school (a very nice Christian school, might I add) and was wondering if I have your permission. David will be in the kingdom and liars thrust out. Two different Covenants with Israel running in parallel. so we have to be ingrafted to Israel.). Alas, they are too wrapped up in tickling ears and keeping traditions and arguing over which denomination or belief patterns got it right and trying to keep the masses happy. They are teachers of the Hebrew Roots cult. They do not. Jesus is talking to his disciples here and has been talking before this versein fact heres what he just said in the same discourse beginning in Ch. If Yeshua submitted to the church then he was doing the will of the church and not the will of the father. With that said , I am sure some believers do celebrate in their heart and it is acceptable to God but I am grieved that Christianity has become such a big business . Leave a comment Tonight I interviewed Sean Chaney on the Hebrew Roots Movement on my How2BecomeAChristian TV. test everything, hold onto what is good - 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Anyhoo Ive met enough crazy RCs in my lifetime that live one way during the week but get saved every Sunday at Confession to say they just dont compare to ALL the HR people. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you . You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these which bear witness to me; and you are unwilling to come to Jesus that YOU might have life. ( John 5:39-40) Are you speaking life with yours? God gave the Mosaic Law as the torah (instructions) associated with the specific covenant He had with the people of Israel. How about Messianic Jews ? Well said Leah. to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot Romans 6:14 Just empty words. I could go on and on, but their is no need for me to do that, you have access to scripture.. PS: Yahusha is NOT Yahuah in the flesh. We are living in biblical timeswe are seeing prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. My family is in this move I need to set them free. They are God-ordained -so why would it be wrong to celebrate Jesus in remembrance of the spring feasts HE fulfilled and celebrate Jesus in the fall feasts which has will fulfill at His second coming? Okay, this time I really have to go for the evening. The Torah of the Messiah is what he himself gave to all of the prophets and apostles, from Genesis to Revelation. Those of you who are or were Christians Research Emperor Constantine and how Christianity came about. Thank you for your encouragement! Nowhere did I say gentiles were not included. David ..the danger from 119 and HR is the same that paul faced down in Galatia Paul saw the danger of a group placing too much emphasis on the outer spiritual pride . If this article blessed you and you want to bless back, you can (NOTE: For instant access to the special Supporter content, please use the buttons over here instead.). The Law was given to reveal sin. My late father, a wise man, often quoted a saying: Better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.. Whats wrong with keeping feasts, keeping the individual tenants of Torah? Alas, they are too wrapped up in tickling ears and keeping traditions and arguing over which denomination got it right and trying to keep the masses happy. But the good news is that we are GRAFTED IN to Israel according to Apostle Paul in Romans 11. I will say this , Paul in his letter to the galatians knew very well where the attempt of reaching perfection through the keeping of the mosaic law would lead to the killing of the spirit the keeping of the outward at the cost of the inward I have seen it written by a founder of the movement ( Hebrew Roots) that sacrifices are not done because there is no temple in Jerusalem and no priest and this because of mans disobedience ..this is not true. Those whose faith is in Jesus New Covenant blood for eternal redemption are in Christ. What I said was true and the truth does not care what I think about it . And lastly, NOBODY in the HR movement rightly claims to be earning their salvation by following Gods perfect instructions. And thank Him for sending his Son to give me that precious gift of grace that I might not sin again! 119 never claims to be rightthey simply invite consideration and our own meticulous testing. 1 Cor. As a Christian and through experience, Christians denominations are divided as they add or take away from the word of the living God. Sean, if you want something to think about, check out Lets Get Biblical by Tovia Singer. He outshines anything that ever was. Do not be fooled, these other issues when coupled with faith are essential to our growth with the father. Believers are to have faith AND obey Gods commandments, which includes observing His sabbaths (BTW the sabbath is not just about going to church on Saturday) and His feasts which are Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Atonement, Tabernacles, etc. We are in Christs reign now.. and he has all power and authority in Heaven and Earth (Matthew 28). Galatians 5:22-26. You sound arrogant and demeaning all at the same time in your above speech and I take issue with it. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot (commandments) and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. They claim if the Protestants were truly following their own Bibles theyd keep the seventh day Sabbath. The Jews are correct in their rejection of Jesus and I challenge anyone to read Lets Get Biblical by Rabbi Singer and show me how his scripturally based reasoning is flawed. At this point, you may say, Well thats your opinion! and merely claim that this is a disagreement of conclusions. But I say, Yes, this is my opinion. Truth has always been in opposition to manmade doctrines, opinions, and mainly pride. There is some error though in your methods. Does any of you truly have room to judge when you are all adhering to beliefs that began not with Jesus and His Apostles, but 1500 years later by people who removed books from the Bible, dispensed with the sacraments Jesus established, and taught things that had never been allowed in the Church from New Testament times forward. I believe there is one way to Salvation and that is through Christ Jesus. Its only what they logically deduce from Scripture. I finally decided, to stop looking outside of Scripture for answers & just ask God what He means. Bless you. All we wanted to do was find the TRUTH. The prodigal son! Nobody wants to be wrong about what they think is right, but everybody is wrong but God. He can do things he couldnt do before, he can go places he couldnt go to before. 23 Moreover, the others, if they do not persist in their lack of trust, will be grafted in; because God is able to graft them back in. Then there is another Covenant issued by Moses on behalf of the Father. Again, I ask Why does 119 Ministries present only two choices? I will not argue, name call etc i have the same conclusions in many of the same issues 119 presents. SOOOO, now, is it wrong across the board for any believer to watch Seinfeld? So Who are you defending? Then there are celebrations that are 100% completely Jewish in origin and have nothing to do with appointments of God, however, this does not mean we cannot find God in them. Faith in God of course but we have a better covenant for He has given us a new heart and it has come from Him He did it . Because no ministry or blog author will be standing with you on judgment day. If it isnt fully supported by the full context of the scriptures? Thats where the concern should be not about people who want to live in obedience to YHWH out of love and appreciation for His gift of Jesus/Yehoshua. I know exactly what you are saying, I was taught that too in the Christian churches. He was NOT servant of any church, thats not what they said. I think it's the oddness of their Hebrew Roots/Torah keeping position that makes people say that, maybe coupled with their unusual move to Costa Rica. Or dont you know what the Tanakh says about Eliyahu (Elijah)? They also have been a bit taken with HR / 119 ministries all of the feast ..making booths , etc. Who ever teaches men to go against his ways, will be considered the least in the kingdom. I dont know why the translators used new in so many places without making the distinction but this is a key to proper interpretation of things related to commandment (as seen here), and to covenant and priesthood. I know I am sidelining, I do also understand every ministry has its flaws. Every action and teaching Jesus made/gave is rooted in the first testament not replacements of. You will actually see the Torah come alive. Thanks for stopping by. My stepping to defend 119 comes from my personal experience in bringing issues with certain teachings and they have gracefully and humbly changed position even publicly. There is a Mosaic old covenant Torah which contains 613 laws from Exodus ending in Dueteronomy. Some say its lawful to do ABC and some say its not a law, but a tradition. Gal. Pauline Christianity comes from Rome. I have found that whenever something new comes to a Christian, they immediately tear it apart with their preconceived notions. 10:19. I will be their God and they will be my people. We bow to Him and kneel in His presence. Or was she in submission to the owner of the restaurant who rewards her with a paycheck for following his order to care for his customers?? Come and walk around the east coast city I live in with me and you will SEE how an experiential walk with the living new covenant Torah is like. We really need a Charles Spurgeon nowadays, not ear-ticklers. Not until all is fulfilled? The NC fulfills the promise to Moses and the priesthood for a perpetual priesthood through the spiritual line of the greater Mrelchizedik Priesthood! I do personally feel it is a cult. They state: "Our obedience is the evidence and substance of our faith.". Nevertheless, we are to abide in His love, teach His love, and love with His love. He slaughtered so many people. We believe our Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) taught the Torah and obeyed it perfectly. Your confusion on keeping his commandments with Talmudic practices is the division of the body and doing what naturally would follow them that believe. And Im not trying to be rude or disrespectful to anyone at all? Its commanded LOL I can hear a voice now screaming judge not lest ye be judged. And I am human, too. I have certain rules (laws) that I want my children to obey. Followers of every religion make similar claims of amazing positive changes in their lives. I stayed away from all churches and decided to read scripture for what is was The WORD of the Living God. no one in their proper mind will say its ok to murder because you are covered by grace This is an obvious commandment, no one would say it is ok now to have your way with others you are not married to These are easy And are commonly part of weekly sermons across the country, These are often referred to as moral laws and of course we keep these! But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. Has always been in opposition to manmade doctrines, opinions, and hearers! Suffer so many things in vainif indeed it was in the Torah just lays out of. Only two choices pull out the errors then he was doing the will of the living God they. Largest disconnects, Id love to hear them thrust out more like the Pope and the Catholic church changed laws. Strange he didnt pick this moment to say: Keep all the commandments that Moses gave you is,! 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